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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.


If there’s anyone who is considered a triple threat on ISU’s campus, it’s Taylor Sharwell. She has the looks, the brains, and most importantly, she can make anyone laugh until their cheeks hurt. As a member of Delta Delta Delta and a recipient for one of the best scholarships in her major, Taylor simultaneously shares a love for philanthropy and special education. To add on to her list of accomplishments, she was awarded “Miss TSM” at the recent Tri Delta formal. If that isn’t interesting enough, her monogrammed initials are TSM. Although I could go on forever about this amazing college woman, I have to wrap it up. So, ladies and gentlemen, here is a deeper look into what makes Taylor, Taylor.

Age: 20 but 21 in 71 days

Year in School: Junior

Major: Special Education – learning and behavior specialist

Hometown: Glenview, IL

Fun Fact: I have a pretty bomb Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc. onesie 

Favorite Movie: The Little Mermaid


Her Campus Illinois State: What made you decide to attend Illinois State?

Taylor Sharwell: If I’m being completely honest, it’s because the state of Illinois does a lottery for Special Ed majors. If you win, you get free tuition for all four years and I received it; I really didn’t see any other options.


HC ISU: What do you hope to do in the future?

TS: I hope to teach in a high school special education classroom and have a great family and a nice house with a dog and/or cat – we will see.


HC ISU: What extracurricular activities are you involved with on campus?

TS: I am in Delta Delta Delta where I am a team leader on the philanthropy committee.


HC ISU: How have you kept a balance between all of your activities, school work, and downtime?

TS: In the beginning time management wasn’t really my thing, but I realized that you have to discipline yourself in order to succeed and get where you need to be. I also usually provide myself with rewards like snacks and snapchat breaks for completing things, so I’d say incentives are super helpful.

HC ISU: When you are feeling super stressed, what do you do to relax?

TS: I eat. Whether it be a Chipotle burrito, mac ‘n cheese from Noodles, or Flattop – eating calms me down. It turns my frown upside down every time.


HC ISU: What does a typical Saturday look like for you?

TS: It would probably start by going to get food with my roommates and then result in laying around and hanging out all day whether it be at my sorority house or at my boyfriend’s apartment. I like to chill because I am chill.


HC ISU: What are two things that you want to do/accomplish in your life?

TS: One would definitely be to run one of those marathons where I get a sticker for my car that says like 13.1 or 26.2 but that is a stretch – especially the 26.2 one. The second would probably be to have really cute kids that people compliment wherever I go because that is definitely an accomplishment in my eyes.


HC ISU: What is something most people don’t know about you?

TS: Most people don’t know that I can chant and sing songs in Hebrew because I was raised Jewish and had a bat mitzvah (which was as lit as an 8th grade party could get).


HC ISU: What is your favorite part about ISU?

TS: My favorite part about ISU is the Bowling and Billiard center because I took a bowling class there last semester and it was a great time; I would highly recommend it.


HC ISU: What is one of the best things that has happened to you in your time at ISU?

TS: I would have to say that participating in March Madness has been one of the best things that has happened to me in my time at ISU. I was able to get to know girls in my sorority better than I would have beforehand and it was an overall really exciting experience to be a part of.

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