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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Meet Steve Scheflow, vice president of Students for Drug Policy. They got the right man for the job as he is strongly passionate about this organization and what is represents. Students for Sensible Drug Policy are a group that consists of people who want to change the law on drugs and raise awareness. While expresses key ideas that take a toll on our society, they want to make sure the right information is spread across the campus. Take a gander, who knows their views maybe the same as yours.

HC: What does Students for Sensible Drug Policy advocate?
Scheflow:We advocate exactly what we are named, sensible drug policy. As an organization we feel that the War on Drugs, apart from being the longest running most expensive war in the U.S. is not a viable option for the issue of drugs in our society. Certainly a major tenant of the organization is the legalization of marijuana but that is not the full scope of the organization. We have advocated for the correction in disparity of powder cocaine versus crack cocaine.  There is no chemical difference between the two drugs, but punishments for crack cocaine are done on an 18 to 1 ratio when compared to powder cocaine. We feel that socio-economic status, which larger defines the difference between powder and crack cocaine users, should weigh in on the exact same crime? We feel that the war on drugs is blatantly racist as well. The fact that African Americans are more frequently imprisoned for marijuana than whites is outrageous, even though a higher percentage of Americans white population regularly uses marijuana. We believe that the American justice system in place in regards to drugs is backwards.  We should not be imprisoning American citizens for non-violent drug related charges; instead we should be educating them, offering treatment and rehabilitation too.  Many within the organization, including myself, advocate for the legalization of all drugs.  I believe in the sovereignty of the individual and that every human has the right to decide exactly what goes into his or her own bodies.  I also feel that if all drugs were legalized they could be regulated and controlled.  With legalization drug users would not be imprisoned for their addictions but would receive rehabilitation, this would include weaning off of drugs, personal counseling, and employment counseling.

HC: What made you participate in Students for Sensible Drug policy?
Scheflow:I saw SSDP’s table out on the quad during festival ISU a few years back.  I had already agreed with most of what I was hearing and reading while stopping by.  I realized that this would be a great way to get involved with something I feel passionately about and I’ve been a member ever since.

HC: How did you become Vice president?
I became Vice-President after a two-semester term as president in Spring and Fall semesters of 2010. There was a need for additional board members as some of the current administration was leaving ISU. I felt the best way to ease the transition was to remain on the executive board in a lesser capacity and we have had a successful transition. I enjoy working with ISU SSDP and the organization as a whole and have continued on the executive board for my own personal interests.

HC: What is your view on drugs?
Scheflow:I advocate the legalization of all drugs. On marijuana, I think it’s absolutely abhorrent that it is illegal. It is mind-numbingly frustrating to live in a society that imprisons people for owning a plant.

HC: In the news there has been talk of decriminalizing the possession of Marijuana, in Chicago, what is your take on that?
Scheflow:When it comes to dismantling the war on drugs, it is commonly said that we need to make baby-steps. That’s exactly what this is, a baby-step. While I would agree that this is a step in the right direction but I still think it’s ridiculous to force a monetary punishment on someone for possessing plant matter. While maybe this is needed to help wake up much of the world I would much rather see statewide legalization initiatives like that in California, Washington, and Colorado.

HC: Are there any upcoming events that are being put on by SSDP?
Scheflow:Yes! We have our weekly meetings every Thursday at 8PM in Schroeder Hall room 242.  This upcoming week, our newly elected President Gary Sawyer, will be leading a comprehensive teach-in on the process of baking marijuana. Everyone has heard of people eating pot brownies but does anyone ever explain exactly how this works? No! That’s why Gary will be leading this teach-in to explain the science behind baked marijuana goods.

HC: How can someone participate in this organization?
Scheflow:The easiest way is to simply come to our weekly meetings. You can check out the international organization’s website at www.ssdp.org or check out our Facebook page @SSDP at Illinois State University.

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Megan Maginity

Illinois State

Megan is a sophomore Journalism major at Illinois State University, with a minor in Creative Writing. She balances her time between class, her sorority- Gamma Phi Beta, and writing for the college newspaper- The Daily Vidette. When she’s not busy, Meg likes to shop for the best sales, rollerblade, hang out with friends or watch reruns of Sex and The City. Becoming a campus correspondent/editor-in-chief was a great accomplishment for her because she is an aspiring writer, hoping to take on the world of mass media after graduation in 2013.