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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

While staying at home, it is the perfect time to practice good skincare! Taking some time out of your day for skincare can have positive long term effects! Remember, healthy skin is not an overnight process. It takes effort, consistency, and patience to nourish your skin. Here are some products I use every week during this stay at home quarantine!


Steam: Face Steamer


Steaming my face a few times a week has so many benefits. Steam really opens up pores and releases the toxins out of my skin! I typically steam my face before I apply a mask or my moisturizers to make sure the pores are opened and cleaned! Steaming your face also helps promote collagen production (anti-aging), prevents sinus problems, and leaves your skin looking glowing!


Face Mask: Aztec Secret India Clay Mask


I recently ordered this mask off Amazon and use it 2-3 times a week! This trendy face mask is a powdered clay made up of only natural calcium bentonite. I can tell a huge difference in my skin the morning after I use this mask. My skin looks clearer and not as oily! I use it a few times a week to keep a consistent skincare routine and shrink my pores.  


Massage Face: Jade Rolling


This recently popular face accessory is generally created using picturesque rose quarts or green jade and has a rolling piece at the end which is applied to smooth out the skin. While sitting and watching tv, jade rolling is soothing and relaxing. Jade rolling can: drain lymph nodes, de-puff skin, help with dark circles and under eye bags, roll out wrinkles, tone facial muscles, stimulate blood flow, boost collagen, and reduce break outs! For even better results, put your jade roller in the freezer before using so it gives you a cold, soothing feeling on your face!



Serum: Face Oils


Give your skin a glow up with serums and oils. There are hundreds on of types and brands of oils and serum that adapt to your skin. The benefits of these are: hydrates skin, clarifies acne prone skin, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, balances out skin tones, and brightens skin.



Consistent skincare should start right now! No matter what age you are, it is never too early to be taking precautions on your skin! Your face is so gentle and deserves the best treatment!



Stay home & healthy!

Ashley Painter

Illinois State '20

Hi I am Ashley! I love being apart of Her Campus and am so grateful for all the opportunities this organization has given me. I am the current Editor in Chief at Illinois Sate University and previous Social Media Director. I am majoring in Public Relations and will be graduating this May 2020. I am persuing a career in PR, marketing, and media. Follow me on Social media! Instagram @ashleypainterr Facebook @Ashley Lauren
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