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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Meet Shawn Sternisha, a senior biochemistry major here at Illinois State. When he is not hitting the books at Milner or watching football, he spends numerous hours as a research assistant in the Chemistry department. Shawn was recognized this past spring at the 245th Annual American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting in New Orleans, where he presented the research he has completed over the past year. HerCampus got a chance to catch up with Shawn and get details about his current research, his past accomplishments and his love of being a Redbird.

So Shawn, how did you get interested in biochemistry?
My grandfather and uncle are both chemists, so I’ve always known about the field. I also had an awesome chemistry teacher in high school that got me seriously interested in pursuing a career in biochemistry.

So exactly what kind of research do you conduct for the Chemistry department?
I basically test the effects of chemical compounds on the parasite leishmania, which is the responsible for the disease leishmaniasis. I do this research in hopes of finding possible treatments for the disease.

Whoa, what the heck is leishmania?!
It’s a parasite that is fairly common in subtropical climates. The disease can be found in Brazil, Colombia and many other countries in that part of the world.

What was your favorite part of your weekend at the ACS meeting in New Orleans?
Presenting my poster and research to professionals in the field was really cool. Just the overall experience of being in New Orleans was unreal. I felt like I was in a completely different world. 

What are your plans after you graduate this spring?
I am applying to graduate school to study cancer biology or continue to study biochemistry. I have been applying to PhD programs mostly, but some Master’s programs as well. 

Are you planning on applying to Illinois State for grad school?
Yes, Illinois State is one of my options…GO BIRDS!

What has been your most memorable experience as a student at Illinois State so far?
Other than the ACS meeting in New Orleans, it would have to be my time spent in the dorms. A lot of people don’t like living in the dorms, but I have met some of my best friends in the year I spent at Watterson.

I’ve just gotta ask, since we’re all about the celebrity crushes here at HC, who is yours?
*Laughs* that’s a tough one…  It’s between Christina Milian, Mila Kunis and Jessica Biel.

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