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Emily Veith

Products That Make Me Want to Wake Up in the Morning

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

I am NOT a morning person. I do not enjoy waking up in the morning at any time, but especially before 10 a.m. However I have a job and classes that I have to wake up for. It is never easy, but I have recently found some products that I LOVE to use in the morning. 

For starters I cannot go a day without any sort of caffeine. Coffee is my savior. I will drink hot coffee, but I prefer having a nice iced coffee with almond milk and a simple syrup flavor from the nearest coffee shop. This however would require me to get up earlier and we all know that isn’t happening. I did some research and found an iced coffee maker. I was skeptical at first, but after reading the reviews it seemed like a great purchase. I then bought it for my best friend, who happens to be my roommate, for Christmas. Since then I have bought myself one and it has become a staple in my morning routine. You just make your coffee like any other day, I usually make mine in my Keurig, and then you grab the cup from the freezer. Then you pour the coffee into it and let it sit for a minute or two and then pour it over ice. You can then add your favorite iced coffee ingredients and you are then set for the day. I found mine on Amazon for $25.

irish coffee
Thimo van Leeuwen

Another staple in my morning routine is my coffee cup. I received it for Christmas last year and it is the best thing since sliced bread. If you are looking for a good coffee cup to go, this is the one. It keeps my coffee iced cold for multiple hours and also will keep hot coffee. My Contigo stainless steel travel mug not only keeps my coffee cold, but comes in many different colors and sizes. I have the 20 ounce dark plum one and it is one of my favorite coffee mugs ever. Plus there is a spot to put in your stainless steel straw. I found the most options of sizes and colors on Amazon and they range from $13 to $25. 

Before I head to work or have class, I have a pretty strict routine. I brush my teeth, wash my face, and then have three products that I cannot live without. I first moisturize my face with elf Glow moisturizer, then I mist my face with my Mario Badescu rosewater and lastly use my Aquaphor lip balm. These three products leave my face looking glowing and dewy all while not using any actual makeup. Of course I use a little mascara and brush out my eyebrows, but if you want to do a natural no makeup look, I highly recommend these products. You can find the facial mist and lip balm both for under $10 on Amazon. The elf moisturizer can be found on their website for $10.

Photo by Charisse Kenion on Unsplash

Although I have never been a morning person, these products add a little excitement to my morning and get me ready to take on the day. Without them, I don’t know if I would ever wake up.

Chloe Lindbom

Illinois State '21

Hey guys! I'm Chloe a Senior here at Illinois State University. I am majoring in Public Relations and looking forward to my future career. Until then I plan to keep drinking iced coffee, keeping up with all the latest reality shows, and writing articles for Her Campus. I can't wait to share my writing and part of my life with y'all. If you want even more of me in your life, follow me on Twitter and Instagram! Twitter - @ChloDae Instagram - @Chlo.Dae
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