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Pretty Little Liars: “A” Theories

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.


As horrible as the acting may be in this ABC Family teen drama, those of us who still watch each week all know how annoyingly addicting Pretty Little Liars is. This week’s finale was filled with juicy drama that shocked all us viewers. Even after all of this information we were given, we were still left with the pending question: Who is “A”? There have been many theories formed throughout the seasons, especially after last night’s episode, so I put together a list of a few ideas on who this “A” might be.


1)     First and foremost, is Ali still alive? And is she the one behind “A”? Spencer, Hanna, and Mona all claim to have seen Ali wearing the red coat at the end of last night’s episode. No one, including Mona, actually knows who Red Coat girl is, but we do know that she is in charge of the  “A” team. In previous episodes, Red Coat has been described resembling the mysteriously murdered teen, Alison DiLaurentis. Mona and Hanna, who had just been pulled from a burning house, easily could have been hallucinating when they “saw” Ali in the red coat. But then again, Spencer saw her too and she was not in the fire. If Ali IS alive and IS the girl in the red coat behind all of the “A” messages, then why would she save them? The theory is that if Ali is “A”, she may be just getting the enjoyment (in a disturbing way) of messing with her friends like she always did when she was “alive”.

2)     There are two teams: The “A” team, which the infamous “A” messages come from, including Red Coat (ALI?!?), Mona, Toby, and Spencer (that we know of so far); and the other team, which I have dubbed the “B” team. This team includes Melissa, Jenna, and Shauna. The theory is that the “B” team trapped Aria, Emily, Hanna, and Mona in the house and set it on fire to try and kill all of them. The “A” team/ Red Coat freed the girls from the burning house and saved their lives. If Ali IS dead, the thought is that this “B” team (Melissa, Jenna, and Shauna) killed her.

3)     Detective Wilden: Wilden has always been super creepy, especially with Hanna and her mom. When Emily found that picture of him that linked back to Ali, it sparked the idea that Wilden may have had something to do with her murder. Is he part of the “A” team? At the end of last night’s episode his police car, which Hanna pushed into the lake, suddenly appeared with the video of Hanna’s mom running him over playing inside. Aria, Hanna, Emily, Spencer, and Mona all receive a text from “A”. They open the trunk of the car and all scream. Of course that was the end of the episode, so now we are left wondering who is in that trunk. Does Wilden have something to do with whatever is in the trunk of his car?

4)     The fact that both Mona and Spencer, who are part of the “A” team now, are still receiving texts from “A” makes us wonder if our whole theory on this “A” TEAM is wrong. Was this person controlling the “A” team just playing around with the members (Mona, Toby, and now Spencer), and is now out to get them?


5)     CeCe: Originally I thought that CeCe was the girl in the red coat. She has long blonde hair and other features similar to Ali. She also seems to have certain reasons to hate Ali, which may have given her an incentive to kill her. It was mentioned that Ali did something to get CeCe kicked out of college. That probably pissed her off, and then this crazy girl went and killed Ali. She also is part of the N.A.T members, along with Melissa, whom all hated Ali.

6)     Paige: We learned a while ago that Ali bullied Paige. Ali would call her “Pigskin.” Although Paige wasn’t the only victim of Ali’s bullying, she has a weird amount of connections with the girls (Aria, Spencer, Emily and Hanna) and things “A” has done. For example, all the way back to season 1, “A” forced Hanna to eat a dozen pig-shaped cupcakes. This could relate to Ali’s nickname for Paige. Also, Paige had one of the earrings that Aria put in Ali’s grave inside of her purse. That’s pretty ironic. Besides these two examples, Paige just gives off a creepy vibe and seems to have this secret angry side to her.

7)     Lastly, something we tend to forget about are all of the random characters in the past that had “A” potential. Some names you might recognize are: Lucas, Noel, Byron (Aria’s dad), Spencer’s dad, Meredith, Jason, and Wren. Where did half of these people go and why were their sketchy stories suddenly dropped? I’m very curious to see if these characters will return next season.

So even after this event filled season finale, the mystery of “A” continues on.  As we know, whenever the show makes us think we have figured out a piece to the puzzle, they put a spin on things to prove us wrong.  HOPEFULLY, “A” will be revealed next season and we can finally get some answers to this guilty pleasure of ours. Season 4 of Pretty Little Liars premieres June 11 at 7:00 pm CT on ABC Family. You can find episodes from seasons 1, 2, and 3 on Project-Free TV. 

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Lindsay Nardini

Illinois State

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Megan Lawler

Illinois State