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The Oscar Moments Leading Up To Leo’s Win

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Once upon a time, on the 88th anniversary of the Academy Awards, Leonardo DiCaprio won Best Actor for his role in The Revenant. Each year, we have sat on the edge of our couch cushions, hoping he would bring home an Oscar. From What’s Eating Gilbert Grape to The Wolf of Wall Street, DiCaprio has been a household name that we have been consistently rooting for and continuously let down. There is no doubt that everyone and their cousin have heard about DiCaprio’s triumphant win, but here is a recap of the night that will stay with us for the rest of our movie-watching lives.

The moment we saw Leo appear several times during the first movie montage, we thought that was a sure sign it was his night to win.


Let’s talk about fashion for a second. Olivia Wilde and Charlize Theron shocked the audience by walking on stage in their appropriately-revealing gowns, while Ryan Gosling had every women swooning with his sleek white bow tie look.

And of course, what would be an awards night be without the orchestra indiscreetly interrupting almost every winner’s acceptance speech?

The awards show was not the only attention grabbing point of the night. Kohl’s threw in a hilarious series of commercials that poked fun at acceptance speeches.


Sam Smith’s James Bond performance. Need I say more?

After the third win, I lost count of the amount of awards Mad Max: Fury Road won.

Did anyone else notice the camera panning immediately to DiCaprio as the President of the Academy Motion Picture Art and Sciences walks onto the stage? Could that have been foreshadowing what was to come?


And lastly, the moment that we have been waiting years for. The moment we just needed to happen so we could stop talking about and making memes of. Knowing we couldn’t endure one more year upset, Leo took home the Oscar for Best Actor in The Revenant.

I would just like to say, party like you’re Jordan Belfort, Leo, you deserve it.

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