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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Ever since Disney+ launched, it has delivered nothing but greatness in terms of entertainment purposes. Not only does it deliver the festive classics according to season, but it also features fun originals and childhood classics.

I want to highlight ten of my favorite movies available on Disney+ right now, with no particular theme or ranking. For any occasion or movie night at home, these ten movies will always be great options.

No. 10: Maleficent

Maybe it’s because Maleficent is my favorite Disney villain, or perhaps it’s because I stan Angelina Jolie, but whenever I watch this movie, I am never unsatisfied. There’s something about telling a well-known story from the villain’s point of view that is so refreshing.

No. 9: The Muppet Movie

I remember seeing this one in the theaters for the first time when I was in fourth grade and loving every minute of it. Every time I watch it as an adult, I laugh just as hard as I did as a ten-year-old kid. Miss Piggy will never not be iconic, and Kermit is forever present in our memes. My personal favorite Muppet is Animal––his chaos is a vibe.

No. 8: Hocus Pocus

I had to throw a seasonal classic in here, purely because the first time I watched this one was last year! (Late to the game, I know.) I initially watched the film because Colourpop was releasing a themed, Hocus Pocus eyeshadow palette, and I wanted to see what the fuss was about. I remember being upset with myself that I didn’t give in to the hype sooner. I will never go another October without adding this one to my “must watch” list.

No. 7: Aladdin (Live action)

While nobody can beat Robin Williams and his version of the genie, I think the live-action cast of Aladdin did the original justice. The special effects and soundtrack were epic, and the delivery of the characterization was noticeably well thought out. This is one of the few remakes I can fully get behind.

No. 6: The Princess and the Frog

I feel like this is a Disney Princess movie that wrongfully gets pushed under the radar. The songs are great, the setting is just right for the plot and it encompasses the cheesy “not-really-friends to lovers” plotline really well. Not to mention, the firefly, Ray, is the best character. Hands down.

No. 5: Frozen II

While Frozen is iconic, I have an ongoing appreciation for the extended sisterly plotline in the sequel. Amazingly enough, even after the sequel, I wouldn’t mind a third movie in this series, and I think that is a signal of a continuation done well. Not to mention the fact that we all are not-so-secretly hoping for Disney to give Elsa a girlfriend.

No. 4: The Emperor’s New Groove

This movie wasn’t a favorite of mine when I was a child, however, I’ve grown to like it a lot more into adulthood because it does a nice job of highlighting how blind the Kings and Queens or “elite” can be to what is actually going on in their countries, outside of the comfort of their palace. That, and Kronk is the most lovable villain’s sidekick ever.

No. 3: Garfield

When I was around eight years old, the only movie I would watch was Garfield. I adore that chunky, orange, talking cat to this day. Since I have my own orange kitty, I remember always being suspicious that he could actually talk and was hiding it from me, all thanks to the cat of the cul-de-sac, Mr. Garfield. 

No. 2: Beverly Hills Chihuahua

I remember going to see this movie in theaters with one of my late family members, so it holds a high place in my heart because of that. I always loved Jamie Lee Curtis as an actress, and the fact that she was in a movie that also has dogs in it was, and still is, a win-win. Unfortunately, unlike Frozen, I can’t say I love the sequels of Beverly Hills Chihuahua as much. The original is my favorite.

No. 1: Beauty and the Beast (The original)

This is my favorite Disney movie of all time. Belle has always been my favorite princess. I remember for the longest time, I had the aspiration to be her at Disney World one day. As we can see, that didn’t happen, but I can admire the job from afar. Even though I enjoyed the live-action version of this film, nothing beats the original for me.

It was a challenge to narrow my list down to just ten movies, so maybe I’ll come back with a holiday version when the season rolls around. Until then, I’ve got movies to watch!

Savannah Kallan

Illinois State '24

My name is Savannah Kallan, I am an English major who is passionate about words and poetry, but outside of academia, I have a lot for all things beauty! I love reviewing cool new products on the market, and doing everything in my power to push my boundaries and grow myself day by day.