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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

The last few weeks of the semester are always a struggle. It feels like the end is so close, but so far. Personally, I have been having a hard time keeping myself motivated. Here’s a message to anyone else who is struggling with this time of year as well. 

It’s hard to keep yourself from falling apart when you are so close to a relaxing break, but the work you are doing isn’t worthless. You have accomplished so much in your life so far, and even if it has been hard, you’ve persevered. Remind yourself of all the good things you have done, are currently doing and will do in the future. 

Remember your purpose of being in school. When I think of the career I am going into and how much I will be helping people, it motivates me to continue working hard. Remember how passionate you are about what you’re doing. Sometimes, I just need to take a moment and remind myself why I love my major and why I’m in college. Think about how much knowledge you’re gaining in order to excel in your field. 

It also helps me to think about all of the hard times I have gone through before. Knowing that I made it out of those situations demonstrates that these hard times don’t last forever. Once the day is over, and you lay your head down on your pillow, don’t stress about all the stuff you can’t change. You have made it through the day, and that is an accomplishment on its own. Even the most stressful days will pass, and you can always try again the next day. With this, don’t get caught up in all of the stressful things you know you’ll encounter in the future like looking for a job or internship. Stay in the present and take things one day at a time. 

Also, not everything has to be so serious. If you got a bad grade on an assignment, essay or exam, so what? You did the best you could at the time, and that’s all you can do. Shake it off and keep going. You are not perfect and you don’t need to be perfect. The world is not going to end just because one semester didn’t go the way you planned. Instead of beating yourself up over what you should have or should not have done, forgive yourself and try again next time. 

As the semester comes to an end and you’re turning in your final assignments, exams and papers, remind yourself that you have worked hard and all of this has a purpose. The stress isn’t going to last forever, and you will feel at peace again. Do things a little at a time and don’t stress too much about the future or the past. Once the semester is over, and summer hits, you’ll be able to rejuvenate and relax. Until then, keep going and know that you won’t be overwhelmed like this forever. 

Sarah Knowlton

Illinois State '24

Hi I'm Sarah! I am a junior at Illinois State and I am majoring in Human Development and Family Science! After I finish my bachelor's degree, I plan to get my master's degree in Human Development and Family Science as well. Besides writing, I like to read, watch TikToks, make art, and bake!