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Meet the Women Behind the Vagina Monologues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Has anyone asked you lately, how’s your vagina feeling today?

That was the first question I was asked when I entered the rehearsal for the Vagina Monologues. Others responded with:


“My vagina is dripping.”


“My vagina is tired.”


“My vagina is ready to rumble.”


“My vagina is damp and comfortable,” and so much more.


This question and responses weren’t anything new to the women behind the Vagina Monologues at Illinois State University.


FLAME (FEMINIST LED ACTIVIST MOVEMENT TO EMPOWER) presents, The Vagina Monologues, a play by Eve Ensler on February 3rd, 4th, and 5th at 7:00 PM in the Bone Student Center.


This “episodic play” is premiered at universities all over the United States and includes individual monologues to provide different experiences of femininity. Including topics such as, birth, sex, masturbation, love, rape, orgasms, female genital mutilation, and more.


I decided to speak to these extraordinary women and get the inside scoop on the monologues and, well… vaginas.


Her Campus: What are the Vagina Monologues?

Anne Tobin (Co-Director): “It’s a series of stories from women, often performed word for word, from interviews conducted around the world. They are all about things that we go through, and the Vag Mos highlights them. In short, it gives women a voice.”


HC: What does the rehearsal process look like?

Bailey Inman: “We do a lot of getting together and feeling each other out before the show. There really isn’t much pressure. We are always backing each other up and there is a lot of support!”


HC: If you could summarize the Vagina Monologues in one phrase what would it be?

Megan Wunglueck (Co-Director): “One show for all women, transgender or non conforming peoples.”

Bailey: “We are all one single unit.”


HC: Not all of these actresses are theater majors, so what other majors do these women come from?

Megan: “Mass Media, Speech Pathology, Bilingual Elementary Education, Theatrical Lighting Design, Design and Production, Acting, Directing (Theater Studies), Middle Level Education, and some are undeclared. So anyone can do it!”


HC: How do you think the Vagina Monologues influences/impacts the audience?

Maddie Cleveland: “It gives the audience multiple perspectives on certain issues. I think a lot of people think that sexism and rape culture don’t exist and this show is a snap back into reality… with some added humor.”

Megan: “For guys, they finally get to hear what women are thinking and going through. Even when my dad saw it last year, he had no idea what women were actually going through. As for women, it teaches confidence and to be proud of who you are. It made me feel confident, and teaches that you can be confident too. Stop making your body taboo!”


HC: How has being in the Vagina Monologues changed your views on women, feminism, vaginas, etc.?

Anne: “It has made me who I am today. In high school, women were fighting and I was raised watching catfights amongst women, and being in the Vag Mos showed me that being a woman does ultimately create a sisterhood. It has also made me more open. We know that bad things are happening all over the world, we know that, but hearing these stories really made me who I am. It is forever.”


HC: When and why did audition?

Megan: “I auditioned my freshmen year! The women in my family heard of it and told me if I ever got the chance to do it that I should. They were right.”

Maddie: “This is my first year and it was a spur of the moment thing. I had heard that auditions were laid back, and it was for a good cause so I was all for it!”


HC: What is your piece about? Why is it important?

Bailey: “Angry” is a humorous attempt at looking at some of the worst parts about being a woman. When I go on stage, I feel that my piece makes all women feel united in our struggles, but still able to find the comical side of it.”


HC: If you could choose one favorite piece, what would it be and why?

Anne: “Only one? F**K! Well either “Angry” or “Moaner”. Moaner is technically “ The Woman Who Liked to Make Vaginas Happy,” and is probably my favorite if I had to choose one. It is so funny!”

Megan: “My Angry Vagina!” It is hilarious and so true! It is my inner monologue!”


HC: Do you find yourself using the word “vagina” more now?

Maddie: “YES! *chuckles* I am definitely more open about it, and a lot more confident when talking about vaginas. I’m just happy that I totally comfortable with saying things like “My vagina is feeling chipper as ever!”

Be sure to make your way over to the Bone Student Center, February 3rd-5th at 7:00 PM and check out these incredible women and The Vagina Monologues!



Building my life on God's love, choosing joy, embracing family, ceaselessly writing, constantly dancing, raising my pitbull chihuahua, and teaching tiny humans all things.
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