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Little Things I’ve Noticed About Adulting

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

So, I’m 21. A junior in college. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about reaching your later college years, it’s that they are truly the “shaping” years of your college experience. While you figure out a lot about yourself freshman and sophomore year, junior year is when I really think you start accepting the scary fate: that you will be an adult pretty soon. That there won’t be a dining center across the street anymore. That you won’t always have all your best friends in a two-mile radius. That in 10 years, you’ll be… in your thirties? I got a little wave of anxiety just typing that. Not that there’s anything wrong with being thirty, but the last time I checked I was still 15. Here are a few changes I’ve particularly noticed about myself that came upon me in the past few years. While they feel a little frightening, I’m coming more and more to the realization that they are purely the result of becoming an adult.

  1. I care about my health?? It’s embarrassing that I even have to include this. To be clear, I’ve always cared about my health. However, recently, I’ve started to make it a priority, which is definitely something I didn’t do before. Both my physical and mental health have suddenly become a prime part of my life. I prioritize therapy and doctor appointments over going out with my friends.
  2. Nights in hit way differently than nights out. This might just be a personal preference thing, but personally going out used to be the pinnacle of my college weeks. The weekdays were purely for preparing and anticipating the weekend full of fun. However, that’s changed a lot. I’m more excited to have a relaxing night in with my friends than a hectic night out. Both are fun regardless, but suddenly I’m learning to appreciate relaxation like I never did before.
  3. School is more than just passing time. My classes actually relate to my career now, which suddenly makes them a lot more real than before! Gen eds are important, don’t get me wrong, but I think many of us really focus on passing them than really soaking in material that we probably won’t use ever again. Major classes, however, are so much different. Suddenly, this stuff is relevant to what we will be doing for the rest of our lives. And it’s more important to me to actually retain the information than get an A all of the sudden. It’s a good feeling, and it really pushes you to succeed and motivate yourself.
  4. Family means the world to me. They always have meant the world, but I don’t think I realized it until recently. Having adult relationships with your family members is so different than having child-to-adult ones. Suddenly I’m having much deeper, real conversations with them. As life gets more and more complicated as an adult, I realize how huge of a role they play in my life. They are more than just parents, siblings, etc… They’re my biggest supporters. I hate the fact that I wouldn’t call my mom for weeks freshman year because I was so “busy” with having a greeeat time in college. My mom is my best friend now!
  5. I have no idea what I’m doing. Remember when Taylor Swift & Phoebe Bridgers said, “How can a person know everything at 18 and nothing at 22?” Yeah… they were right! Self-discovery is not as romantic and beautiful as the coming-of-age movies like to make it seem. Figuring your stuff out and transitioning from a child to an adult is not a piece of cake by any means. I like to remind myself of this sometimes and cut myself some slack. Whether it’s treating myself to a meal, taking a self-care night, or just taking a few deep breaths… It’s normal to feel confused and scared at these ages. Give yourself a break :)

Hopefully, in five years, I can look back on this post with many more adulting tools, because truthfully I still feel like I’m in eighth grade. If you’re reading this and you’re experiencing the same sort of transitions, good luck to you.



Sophie Dominguez

Illinois State '23

Junior at Illinois State University majoring in English & Public Relations! Follow me on Insta @sophieannadominguez <3