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I Tried the Fall Drinks at Starbucks…

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

In the spirit of the fall season coming to an end, I decided to try some seasonal drinks! Starbucks releases a Fall menu every year, and this year, I was determined to branch out and try them before they are gone. Here’s what I thought!

  1. Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL):

This classic drink is known as the epitome of fall. When I tried the PSL, it was very obvious that they were aiming for the perfect fall flavor, and while it reminded me of autumn, the flavor was not all there. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t a bad drink at all, but I think it was on the duller side, but I love how they dress it up with the whipped cream and toppings! Overall, I’d give this drink a 7/10. 

Would I order it again? Maybe… with some alterations of my own. 

  1. Apple Crisp Macchiato: 

I was a little hesitant about this drink. In my opinion, apples and coffee don’t sound good together. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I tried it! It tastes like warm apple cider and coffee mixed together, sprinkled with cinnamon. It reminds me of the apple crisp that I would get at my elementary school for lunch. None of the flavors (apple, coffee, or cinnamon) overpower each other to the point where it’s too much, though. In fact, I would say they work together perfectly. The Apple Crisp Macchiato has a much better flavor than the PSL, therefore I give it an 8/10! 

I would probably order this again! 

  1. Caramel Apple Spice

Although this drink is on the menu year-round, I would still consider it a fall beverage! If you don’t like coffee or chai, this is the fall drink for you! It’s essentially a hot apple cider combined with cinnamon, caramel, and topped with whipped cream. This drink is a little on the sweeter side compared to the coffee-based drinks, but I don’t think it’s as overpowering. In fact, it’s the perfect drink for walking around a pumpkin patch or going on a hayrack ride! Although it isn’t my favorite, I would rank this drink pretty high based on the simplicity of it. It can truly be for everyone! 9/10. 

  1. Iced Pumpkin Cream Chai Tea Latte

I’ve never really had chai before, so I was hesitant when trying this drink; however, it ended up being my favorite of the bunch! I love pumpkin-flavored things, so the pumpkin cream was the star of the show. Mixing it with chai allowed for a perfect touch of “spice” to the drink. This is a phenomenal beverage that I could only describe as, fall in a cup! The only thing I would be weary of is that this drink is very sweet. I would definitely order it on a day when I’m treating myself. 10/10! 

  1. Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew

As someone who isn’t too keen on strong coffee, I was definitely scared to try this drink… but the show must go on! The pumpkin cream is just as delicious as it was in the chai drink, but it is combined with coffee. I ended up really liking it! I love the mixture of the pumpkin cream and the cold brew with each sip; however, after the cream fully melted into the cold brew, it tasted much different. The cold brew eventually overpowered the pumpkin cream, but it wasn’t strong enough to the point where I couldn’t tolerate it. Knowing how quickly the drink changes from the first sip to half-way through, I’m not sure if I would order it again. I still liked it, though, and would rate it a 6.5/10! 

  1. Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino 

I figured this drink couldn’t be too bad considering the foundations of a frappuccino and how much I like pumpkin, but I was proven wrong. The drink wasn’t bad, but I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s good either. It tasted like blended pumpkin and milk, so if that sounds good to you, give it a try! Personally, I think it needs something more to taste like a true dessert frappuccino that we all associate with Starbucks. I would rate it a 5/10.

After trying each of these Fall drinks, I would say my favorite is the Iced Pumpkin Cream Chai Tea Latte, and my least favorite is the Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino. This was a super fun activity that kept me feeling all the cozy, fall vibes throughout the season, and I can’t wait to try all of the new Winter drinks next! 

*Disclaimer* I started this taste-testing at the beginning of the season. I do not hold the same views as Starbucks’ founders and did this “experiment” solely for fun in trying new drinks. 

Hannah Hagie

Illinois State '25

Hi! My name's Hannah. I attend Illinois State University as a sophomore and am majoring in Creative Writing. Writing has always been a passion of mine and I've been doing so since the second grade. A goal of mine is to be a published author one day and I hope to work towards that with my experience of writing in school, in my free time, and on Her Campus. A few of my personal interests include writing, reading, music, baking, thrifting, and shopping, so I'm sure you'll be seeing articles from me on all of those topics and more! You can find me on Instagram @hannahhagie!