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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.


The weather is getting warmer and summer is getting closer! But you know what that means… The one thing separating you from that warm, sunny weather and your summer vacation is FINALS WEEK. There is still time to pull it all together and do well next week, even if you’re stressing already. Start getting prepared now by checking out these tips. Like they always say, “better late than never.”


Caffeine: At this point in college we have all become familiar with staying up into the late hours of the night to study. If you have to take this route, don’t forget to stock up on caffeine to help you stay alert and focused. Obviously coffee or Redbull do the trick but if you don’t like either of those try your favorite Coca-Cola product. Want a healthier option? Green tea is packed with caffeine. If all else fails don’t forget about the good ole 5-hour Energy shots.


Snack Smart: Spending endless hours at the library or at your desk can cause you to forget to eat three meals a day. Make sure you have snacks to help fuel your studying time. Eat plenty of fruits which improve memory function and don’t forget protein, it will keep you full longer.


Location: Where you study is very important during finals week. Some people need maximum quiet and others need a space where they can work in groups. The library can be a good place for the maximum quiet floor but if you are trying to study in groups it tends to get too loud. Try studying at a friend’s apartment or checking out the public library in your area. Swapping study locations every once in a while can help to stimulate your brain and retain more information. 


Take Breaks: Although you may think it’s best to sit down and grind it all out, you need to give yourself a few minutes every so often to stand up, stretch and relax. Taking short breaks will help improve your focus, thus studying better. Next time you feel like you’re reaching your breaking point, get up and take a walk or check out what you have been missing on social media. Whatever you do, just take some time to pause and wind down. But not too long! 


Sleep Well: It’s tempting to pull an all-nighter in attempts to cram as much information as possible before a test but don’t make these sleepless nights a habit. Rest is the most critical resource in studying and testing well. Losing a night’s sleep could actual do more harm than help when it comes to an exam. Aim to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep a night.


Get Organized: Last but not least, to study effectively you need a clean place and good plan. No one can get any studying done with a cluttered room and binder. Before you begin to study for finals, organize yourself and your resources. Not only will this be more effective to your studying but it will help you manage your time when you don’t have to waste half of it searching for your folder and spiral. 


Following these few tips should help you conquer all of your finals!  Good luck and may the curve be ever in your favor. 

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Danielle Farrow

Illinois State

Contributor account for Illinois State