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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

It is the middle of September so you know what that means. It’s officially the start of spooky season! If you’re anything like me, your serotonin levels are about to go off the charts. Here are eight things you can do to prepare yourself.

Decorate your space.

Target has some really cute fall decor that is to DIE for! Trust me when I say it is all so worth it. Dollar Tree also has some really cool stuff for really cheap.  

Bake spooky cookies.

You know exactly the ones I’m talking about. The pumpkin and ghost ones are classic but they’re now selling hocus pocus themed ones! Personally, I have picked up two packs of the pumpkin ones already. 

Find the perfect costume.

Nothing is more fun than creating your own Halloween costume. Pinterest is going to be your best friend in finding a cute costume idea. After you find a good one, TJ Maxx, Plato’s Closet, and Ross are the best places to start making it.  

Watch some Halloween movies.

My personal favorites are the Halloween series but there are SO many options out there. If scary movies are your thing, Netflix has some good ones. If not though, Disney+ has all the classics.  

Have a fall-themed photoshoot.

There are so many cute places around Blono that would make for a great background for a photo. Slap on some cute fall outfits and take some cute pictures!

Go to Radar Family Farms.

I am so beyond happy that Radar is still open is with COVID. Spending the day here at least once during the season is definitely a must.

Listen to Halloween music.

Disney Halloween music is so incredibly cute and fun to listen to. I highly recommend putting it on and having your own personal dance session.  


    Carve a pumpkin.

    It still might be a little early for this one, but nothing says spooky season like a good old fashion pumpkin carving.

    If you couldn’t already tell, I absolutely love Fall and Halloween and all things spooky. I absolutely guarantee you that by doing at least one of these things, your happiness will increase dramatically (not to be dramatic or anything). 

    Sarah Baran

    Illinois State '22

    Hi!! My name is Sarah and I'm a senior at Illinois State. I am currently majoring in Journalism with a minor in Criminal Justice! I love HerCampus because it gives me the opportunity to write whatever I want. I've never really had this chance before so it's really amazing to get to experience. If you want to see more about my life, follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @sarahs524
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