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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Finally Fall! 


Crisp air. Leaves changing colors. Finally being able to wear your favorite sweater. Pumpkin EVERYTHING!Since the weather is getting cooler, here is everything you’re going to need this fall season! 


1.    Mustard Yellow 

Say what you want about yellow, but it has been taking over the fashion industry lately! Since bright yellow is more of a summer color, mustard yellow is the perfect cooler shade to make your outfit a little brighter! 


2.    Camo

Camo has been a trend flying off the store shelves recently! From camo pants, shirts, to a simple hat, camo is the perfect touch to any fall outfit. 


3.    Hempz Pumpkin Spice & Vanilla Chai Body Moisturizer 

Everyone needs a lotion, especially when it starts to get colder. I’ve always loved the Hempz scents and this one is perfect for the fall season! 


4.    Smart Wool Socks

Everyone loves a good pair of fuzzy socks, am I right? However, finding a pair that don’t make your feet hot is hard! I recently discovered Smart Wool. The socks are amazing and so cute! Definitely a must have it for fall. 


5.    Your Go-To Pair of Booties

Honestly, this is an essential every year. Fall booties are the perfect touch to any casual or dressy fall look! 


Getting to the cooler weather can be hard for some people, but with these trends in mind, you’re sure to have a killer fall! And to ease the transition… I’ll leave on this adorable note (AKA my puppy Bravo)! 

Alyssa Ginzburg

Illinois State '22

Hi! I'm Alyssa Ginzburg and I'm a Senior at ISU & I'm studying Middle Level Education! I love writing, fashion, and all things women empowering, which makes Her Campus the perfect environment to share my voice! Check out my Instagram and Twitter if you want to know more! :) Instagram: @alyssaginzburg Twitter: @AlyssaRhea1
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