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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

With graduation right around the corner, I’ve started the preparation for real-life outside of school. Since I was five, all I’ve ever known is school, and now being 21, it’s weird to think it’s almost over. 

I feel like I finally figured out who I am, what I want in life and who my friends are. With only a few short weeks left, I want to make the most of my time left with my friends here at school. I’ve started having the mentality of always saying yes to a plan. With that in mind though, I am also about to graduate college and need to save money as much as possible. 

Having a “yes man” mentality but also bawling on a budget can be tough but there are so many ways to make it happen. Here are a few ways I’ve been making it happen these last couple of weeks: 

  1. Say yes to going to the bars but don’t order a drink 

Being 21, a senior, and loving to go out with your friends and dance is such a hard thing to balance on its own. You have to coordinate rides and who is going and what you’re wearing. And that’s even before you get downtown. 

This semester, in particular, I’ve been an avid bargoer. Even now that I’m on a budget, I still make it out at least once a week. Be the DD for the night. That way you can still go out and have fun with your friends and you don’t have to spend any money! Another way to save a little money is to only order one or two drinks! 

  1. Go for the experience and don’t spend money

Personally, my friends are the type of people who like to go places where you can get in for free and then if you want to, you can pay for other activities. This was a big thing we’d do in the fall but now in the spring, there are even more things you could do.

Things like taking a walk on the quad and then going to get ice cream. Take the walk but don’t get ice cream! Go for the experience and to be with your friends. Little things like going for late-night drives or Mcdonald’s runs don’t seem that important at the moment but trust me, they are the memories that you’re going to remember forever. 

  1. Go out to dinner but order small if at all

I personally love going out to dinner. It just alleviates so much stress knowing I don’t have to cook or clean after. Budget-friendly going out to dinner or lunch or breakfast can be hard but it’s also pretty doable. 

Recently, if I go out to eat with my friends I tend to get a smaller meal to save some money! Again, it’s all about being there for the experience. Especially in these last few weeks.

Making memories on a budget is hard but it’s also doable! Have fun and make some memories with your besties before the year ends. 

Sarah Baran

Illinois State '22

Hi!! My name is Sarah and I'm a senior at Illinois State. I am currently majoring in Journalism with a minor in Criminal Justice! I love HerCampus because it gives me the opportunity to write whatever I want. I've never really had this chance before so it's really amazing to get to experience. If you want to see more about my life, follow me on Twitter and Instagram! @sarahs524