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AR Wear Creates Anti-Rape Garments

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Unfortunately, sexual assault remains to be a huge concern in today’s society.  We have become fearful of walking anywhere on campus alone and being able to go out on the town without the worry of being attacked is a thing of the past.  A start-up company, AR Wear has taken it upon themselves to fight back against sexual assault and enhance your safety with a new clothing line designed to protect women. Realizing that this is an extreme issue in today’s society, AR Wear has stepped up to the plate to design a line of garments that offers women “wearable protection” because they believe that “passive resistance through a tough article of clothing” is the best way to fight off an attacker compared to other products like pepper spray, martial arts techniques and so on.  The garments are designed to be difficult to remove by force from the body as well as resistant to tearing and cutting, but is still said to be comfortable to wear.


Although it is an accomplishment to come up with this advanced technology and design, I can’t help but think about how unfortunate it is that a company has to launch a line of clothing dedicated to preventing rape and assault.  What has happened to our society?  According to the U.S. Department of Justice, approximately 237,868 people become victims of rape and sexual assault each year.  This means that every two minutes, someone is a victim of sexual assault.  These statistics are alarming to hear as I am a college student in my 20’s. 

Although disappointed in society, I appreciate the new efforts taken to aid in the protection against assault, help women feel safer and provide some relief while walking alone, traveling in new places, clubbing or walking around at night.  The garments are surprisingly not hideous and are thin enough to wear under everyday clothing.  Is an anti-lock undergarment necessary? I wish it wasn’t but if a woman feels uncomfortable walking around town, taking public transit to work and home, etc. then this would be a great product to try out. 

AR Wear is currently in the process of raising the necessary funds to produce their line via crowd funding.  To check out their products and their mission, or to donate to their project, visit http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ar-wear-confidence-protection-that-can-be-worn

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