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5 TikTok Cooks You Need to Follow Before Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, the festive activities are continuing. I never really think about Thanksgiving until November rolls around, but then I’m immediately excited to have an excuse to have a fantastic meal, fight over the bread rolls with my sister and ultimately end the day with a food baby. My mom and Grandma are fantastic cooks, but me… not so much. I’ve recently got into cooking since I have moved into my apartment, but it’s so hard to find good everyday recipes and gain techniques when cooking is still so new to you. With my love for food and new interest in cooking I naturally ended up on the cooking side of TikTok and I love it. It’s perfect for my short attention span and also gives me new recipes and techniques to try out in the kitchen. I follow quite a few accounts dedicated to this, and I’ve narrowed down a few that you must follow before the ultimate cooking holiday.

  • @mxriyum

Mariam is an amazing young cook and baker whose food makes your mouth water through the screen. She’s the first cook I found and followed on the app and I continue to be in awe of her recipes. She bakes, cooks and gives you the full recipe on her Instagram for you to create it at home. Her feed will leave you speechless with endless ideas to impress a family member this holiday season.

  • @collegechefron

College student, Raunak Sunder shows off easy and delicious recipes that any college student can recreate. Now, this is right up my alley! This account shows beginner cooks or college students, who are sick of frozen pizzas and ramen noodles, how to make something yummy easily. I have re-created a few recipes myself and am dying to make more!

  • @sammypur

Sammy makes lifestyle content as well as food, and I love it all. She shows some meals that can easily be prepped for the next day or the following week and showcases healthy options for you to try. I know personally once in a while I crave a good vegetable or healthy meal, especially when you are in a rut with food and have been eating frozen foods all week. During the holidays, these are bound to balance out all the bread rolls you are consuming.

  • @scheckeats

We have another college chef in our midst with this next TikToker. Jeremy is the best college cook I know of. His dishes look like you could order them at a restaurant, and yet they’re still simple enough to follow along and make a home. His recipes are easy to find on his also website with all his recipes listed for everyone to enjoy!

  • @emilymariko

Even if you aren’t on the cooking side of TikTok, you probably have seen many people recreating the salmon rice bowl. This all started with Emily! These recipes are not always easy to duplicate, especially for a college student but it is so satisfying to watch her make her dishes. Her account often gives me the motivation to cook for myself even if it’s something simple. I highly recommend her as she not only is fun to watch but makes some unique stuff that I have not seen on any other account.

There you go, folks! These are the accounts you should be following. Whether it’s cooking for yourself at school, impressing a special someone, or contributing to a family meal, these accounts will never fail to inspire you to cook. This won’t help you become a gourmet chef overnight, but, hey, it’s a start!

Grace Pellock

Illinois State '22

Hey yall! My name is Grace Pellock, I am a junior here at Illinois State. I am a basic college girl who can't stop scrolling on TikTok, loves eating dino nuggets and watching romantic comedies. I have always enjoyed writing so I am so happy to be apart of HerCampus to share one of my passions with you.