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5 Easy Fixes For Greasy Hair: Fake It ‘Til You Make It

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.


Confession: I don’t wash my hair everyday. Not even every two days, really. And  guess what – neither should you!

Some of you might be saying, “EW, WHY?” Washing your hair every day strips it of its natural oils. The oils that you need to keep your hair healthy from breakage, split ends, and to allow it to grow thick, long, and beautiful. Some people complain that their hair gets oily after one day of not washing. (Un)Fortunately for me my thin, curly hair doesn’t even begin to get greasy until the second or third day of not washing. And surprisingly, I actually like the way my hair styles best a day or two AFTER I’ve showered.

I read a great article (http://fondalashay.com/mintchilli/i-do-not-wash-my-hair-yes-you-read-that-right) about a woman who stopped washing her hair with shampoo and conditioner completely. She only uses water now. Really, that is most natural and how we all should be… but it is a little extreme.

For a less extreme approach to not washing your hairs daily, read on for my own personal tips:


1.  Re-blow dry your roots

Like I said, I have thin, naturally curly hair so after my hair is curled and I’m all dolled up, my hair is left pretty dry. Luckily for me that means the next morning I can simply wet my roots with water from the sink and re-blow dry them with a hairbrush to get some of the oil out.

2.  Dry Shampoo

If your hair is a little thicker or you’re more of an au-natural chick, it might get oilier more quickly. If re-blowdrying your roots didn’t do the trick, Dry Shampoo is what you should try next. It’s sort of like baby powder and is meant to “soak up” the grease from your scalp. I work it into my part and sometimes around my hairline if needed. There is dark and light dry shampoo available depending on your hair color. Baby powder also works as a great and cheaper alternative to dry shampoo.

3.  Back Comb Your Hair

Back comb, tease, or whatever you want to call it, this trick is one that will always work. If you over-do it it may come out looking a little ‘60s or ‘80s retro so proceed with caution!  But if you do it right, back combing gives your hair fantastic body. If you have long layers, utilize them by back combing a bit on each one. This cool, gritty look that is created with back combing is super trendy too. 

4.  Ponytail or Braid

Another option is pretty straight forward… put your hair in a pony tail or a braid. There are several types of braids for beginner or master braiders like the french braid, side braid, or fishtail braid. If you’re feeling fancy try a french braid along your hair line, pin it behind your ear, and throw the rest of your hair into a ponytail.

5.  Hat/Headband

If all else fails, throw on a hat or a headband. Slick your hair back with a cute, floral headband or now that baseball season has started you can throw on your favorite team’s hat. If this doesn’t make your hair look better than maybe at this point you should just take a shower…

With summer on it it’s way I encourage all Her Campus girls to embrace your hairs natural oils and try out these tips. Greasers, we unite. 

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Ali Hutzler

Illinois State

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Megan Lawler

Illinois State