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4 Things Not To Do On Facebook

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.


The Top 4 “Don’ts” for Ladies in Facebook Land


1.      “selfie” + “inspirational quote” = DON’T

While the occasional selfie is acceptable, do not post a picture of yourself in that new crop top and pair of high waisted short shorts while making a duck face in a front of the mirror posted with a caption like, “You know why it’s hard to be happy? It’s because we refuse to let go of the things that make us sad.” Sure… your outfit may be cute, you might think the duck face is adorable, and the quote may be true, but the combination of the three makes little to no sense. Next time you take a selfie, remove the quote (no matter how touching it may be) and add a sincere smile.

2.      Kisses are sweet…. An album full of you and your boyfriend making out is not.

Love is a beautiful thing! Ask anyone who is in love, and they will tell you how happy they are these days. Posting a picture of a kiss between you and your boyfriend can be a cute way to show off your man to the world of Facebook, however an entire album of you and your boyfriend cuddling, kissing and whispering sweet nothings to one another can become slightly nauseating. Public displays of affection are acceptable on Facebook, just try to use them in moderation. Don’t forget the golden rule: less is more.

3.      Try to avoid stalking your ex’s page.

This is a big one. Try to avoid looking at your ex’s Facebook wall. Break-ups are tough enough, and having to constantly see your ex with their new crush, girlfriend or booty call can seem almost unbearable. It can also make it easy to fall into the trap of talking to your ex, liking his posts, or commenting on old pictures of the two of you together (Yikes!) This is especially likely to happen after a few beers (refer to Don’t #1). Sometimes it is best to totally remove yourself from the situation and delete or block the ex altogether.

4.      Do not drink and post…I promise you will regret it the morning.

Think of an embarrassing text you have sent your crush after a night of slamming Natty Lights and throwing back jell-o shooters with your friends.  Now multiply that embarrassment times ten and make it available for your grandparents, cousins and childhood babysitters to read. While it may be true that your ex-boyfriend may never find anyone as special as you, posting about his trashy new girlfriend at 2 a.m. may not be the best way to prove the intended point. Long story short, if you know you are going to get a little tipsy, log off of Facebook, or have a friend change your password for the night. Crisis averted.

5.      DO make posts that reflect your personality

If you like something that you think others will enjoy as well, don’t be afraid to post it. Yes, a video of Taylor Swift featuring a goat in the chorus is not news shattering, but if you think it’s funny, chances are your friends will too. When you want to post something on the sentimental side, be honest and sincere. I’m not saying to  go and bare your soul to the world of Facebook… but instead, post a meaningful Bible verse or an encouraging word. It can be an uplifting change of pace compared to the often cynical or stressed out posts that can consume news feeds.