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Niall Horan on tour in tokyo
Original photo by Ayana Hatanaka
Culture > Entertainment

Three Album’s to Listen to at Night

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ICU (Japan) chapter.

Do you ever wish to float alone in the middle of the sea? Just yourself, and the sound of the waves, the salty sea wind, seagulls fly around in the sky. Sometimes after a long and tiring day, I really hope to be somewhere away from the land and into the sea. If you do too, here are three albums that can turn your room into the ocean and your bed a lonely boat, and you could just close your eyes and listen. And float.

Sakanaction: The First Dip Into the Sea

The first album is “834.194” by Sakanaction. One of the things I like the best about this album is that the lyrics are so beautifully written, that it almost feels like poetry. This album is like the sea that’s close to the land. It feels like you just stepped into the ocean, the tip of your toe has just touched the first wave of the sea. Everyone you meet has a kind heart, you greet them while walking on the sand, your heart’s beating fast, and you spin around, finally you plunge into the sea. My favorite song in this album is 「ユリイカ」。

Pasteboard: In the Middle of the Sea  

You plunged into the sea, and now you are in the middle of the ocean, the water is warm. You swim even deeper, and schools of fish swim by, they circle you into their groups and then they spread away. You watch this with great fascination. The album “Glitter” by Pasteboard feels just like this. The guitar melody in this album is warm and mellow, and here you are safe and alone. Listening to this makes you feel like the tiredness in your body slowly melts away as you fall asleep in the deep sea. My favorite song in this album is 「Squall」.

Daniel Caesar: Sinking into the Bottom 

Now you are at the bottom of the sea. You open your eyes, the darkness is not something you are used to. It feels almost too lonely, you want to cry. Then you turn around and around, magical creatures surround you, you examine them carefully, this is someone else’s kingdom, and you are just invited in. Daniel Caesar’s “NEVER ENOUGH” is the entrance of this strange place. It has just the right amount of awe and sadness. My favorite song in this album is 「Pain is inevitable」.

There are always days that make you like you’ve been pushed to the extreme and you come home exhausted. Listen to these albums, turn your room into an ocean, turn yourself into a fish, a sea turtle, or a boat. 

Yiyan Zhang

ICU (Japan) '26

My favorite author is Fredrik Backman. My favorite story is Light Is Like Water. My favorite drink is coffee.