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An Open Letter To My Best Friend Back Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at HWS chapter.

Dear Best Friend,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

It has been a month since I last saw you face-to-face. Since then, our lives have changed drastically forever. I wish I could see you in person to tell you all of these things rather than telling you behind a phone or computer screen, but people were not kidding when they said being exactly 376 miles away from each other would be hard. Being away from someone who you believe is your person and sister is truly the most heart-wrenching experience I have ever had to deal with. You are my rock and that one person who knows every little thing and detail about me, yet still loves me unconditionally. For that, I am forever thankful. As I sit here writing this at my so-called, “dream school,” all I can think about is how much I desperately want you here beside me to take on this new adventure together. For seven years, we have been tied together at the hip. We were inseparable. So inseparable that we won the “Inseparable Friends” award at our senior supper. I can’t express in enough words how weird it is to actually be separated from you, but know that you are still with me wherever I go.

I miss seeing you every single day at school. You made school days bearable and always pushed me to be a better friend and student. We would have designated lunch dates in the cafeteria where you and I would catch up on each other’s day and drama. Now I go to lunch in a dining hall with the false hope of seeing you there waiting for me.

I miss our car-rides. Whether it would be to the beach, to get coffee, or to a completely different state, you were always the best shotgun rider. Whether it be minutes, or hours, you would always make the ride entertaining as we belt out singing to our favorite songs. Although we have had numerous rides together, I would have to say my favorite would be that time we took a spontaneous trip to CVS at midnight. It was right after a hockey game and I finally showed my face in public after being as sick as I have ever been. We thought it would be a great idea to buy pints of ice cream along with nyquil. I remember the weird looks we were getting from the employees there as we were cracking up in the aisles, but I must say it is still one of my favorite memories with you.

I miss our movie nights. We would have sleepovers every weekend where we would just lay down and watch movies together for hours. These movies would either be horror movies or sappy romance movies. Why we are so bipolar, I do not know, but I absolutely love it. We’re also big fans of going to movie theaters together. Remember, we went a week after I got hip surgery and you sat with me in the handicapped section as we watched Endless Love, which we still watch religiously together to this day. This past summer, we thought it would be a great idea to see the most horrifying movie I have ever seen while I screamed in your ear and hid behind you like a scared little girl. To this day, I am still judged for that, but can’t even blame you.

I miss your advice. You always give the best advice and I never do anything without asking you first. Although it may be annoying at times, but I would, and still do, call you up for an excessive amount of time explaining the situation I have gotten myself into while you would help me get out of it. Whether this advice was about school, friendships, relationships, etc. — you always had the right thing to say and listened with all ears.

I miss you being my shoulder to cry on. You came over during one of the worst days of my entire life and sat with me on my bathroom floor comforting me and didn’t leave my side. It is safe to say that you have been there through every hardship of my life. Whether it be bad breakups, falling-out friendships, hospital visits and surgeries, and deaths in the family, you were always there with the right things to say. You assured me no matter what that everything will be okay and that you will always be there for me. For that, I am forever in your debt.

Although we are far apart, our bond cannot be broken. You will forever and always be my best friend no matter the distance. Besides, we promised to be next to each other on our wedding day. We’ve been together through it all, and I cannot thank you enough for being you. You have brought out the best of me and have shown me what a true friend really is. I love you forever and always, through thick and thin, and I cannot wait until I see you over break.



Brianna is a current student at Hobart and William Smith Colleges where she is majoring in architectural studies and double minoring in European studies and art history. Her love of academics came about when she traveled around Europe and fell in love with both the history and design. Follow Brianna's journey in New York while she is trying to find her fairytale ending.