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The Last Push Before Fall Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at HWS chapter.

As fall break is quickly approaching, you probably have last minute assignments and tests to get done. Although the break will only be a few days, it is much needed! Here are some tips to help make that last push a little bit easier.

​Organize Your Days

You are probably thinking, “Well duh I am in college and I’ve heard that 1000 times.” But as we go into the 6th week of classes, your organization and planning habits are probably slacking a little. Doing this will help you be that much more productive with your time.

Leave Time to Rest

Giving yourself time for that midweek nap can make all the difference when you have spent most of your day in the library. So when you organize out your week make sure you leave a few blocks of time to just hang out!

Treat Yourself

After you finish that big paper or test you have been stressed about, make sure to call your friends and grab a treat. Whether it’s just meeting up at ABP and getting coffee for a break, or going to get dinner off campus, it will be good to catch up before you head off campus for the weekend.

Go the Extra Mile

Even though your week is probably pretty busy already, if you have extra time here or there try to finish a few of those things that are due after break. That way fall break can actually be a break, not a four-day weekend spent studying.

Finally, remember that after the week is over you won’t have classes to go to for a little while. Plus, a three day week after the long weekend, I don’t know what’s better honestly. But don’t get too comfortable and make the most out of your break because it will be over before you know it and you will soon be counting down the days until Thanksgiving!

Hi, I am Meredith! I am from upstate New York and love keeping up with the latest news and trends.