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Campus Cutie: Ryan Saunders ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at HWS chapter.

This outgoing and positive Campus Cutie has many great stories and thoughts to share with everyone. Meet Ryan Saunders ’16!

The Basics: 

Name: Ryan Saunders

Class Year: 2016

Major: Economics and International Relations

Hometown: Warner, NH

Relationship Status: Single to boot

Interested In: Men

Describe yourself in three words: Personable, Funny, Outgoing

Celebrity Crush: Hugh Jackman

One thing you cant not live without: French fries 



Place to Party: Geneva On The Lake

Food: Fettuccine Alfredo with chicken and broccoli

Movie: Armani Code

TV Show: Grey’s Anatomy 

Song: Of all time it would have to be “Lonesome Day” by Bruce Springsteen

Animal: Golden Retriever and Bernese Mountain dogs…I’m a dog person.

Pick-Up Line: “Hello this may be forgettable, but I’m not forgettable”

Class at HWS: Politically Economy of Food and Agriculture 


HC: How do you feel about being nominated as Campus Cutie?

RS: I honestly feel it was just a matter of time before I was asked. It is a huge honor to be a Campus Cutie, and I feel very privilege/ flattered to be chosen. I am happy that more people can put a face to the name. I am glad that I will be remembered at HWS for being a Campus Cutie. 

HC: If you could be anyone in the world for a day, living or dead, who would it be?

RS: Nelson Mandela, because the journey of struggle to success is something I want to accomplish and respect. He was a strong and knowledgeable man, he pushed himself and show people how to make a difference in the world. 

HC: What do you look for in a man?

RS: I look for certain kinds of things, nothing that is to hard to obtain. I want someone who is an honest person, similar to my outgoing personality, and not afraid to try new things. Also he should always look good with his shirt off… duh. 

HC: What’s your idea of the perfect date in Geneva?

RS: Well, I would have to say dinner at Torrey Park Gill. It an amazing place to get food. I recommended everyone go there at some point. Then dessert at Mr. Twistee’s, where they serve the best ice cream. I would probably get cookie dough ice cream with rainbow sprinkles on a cone. Then have a romantic sunset walk by the lake on the rail road tracks. By the end of the walk we would end at the dock because it is always a nice place to relax and enjoy the view.

HC: What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?

RS: I can’t answer that question, because I have never been on a date before. Someone should help a brother out. 

HC: Most embarrassing moment?

RS: I have had to many of them, but the most embarrassing was probably the one that happened in the beginning of last year. During Orientation weekend I fell into a pothole which lead me to fall in the middle of the road where President Gearan was giving his speech. Oh don’t worry it gets worse. Then there was a car full of TDX brothers, and they honked the horn as I laid there. I will never forget that moment. So sorry about that President Gearan, I swear it wasn’t my fault. 

HC: What are you involved in on campus and what are you most proud of?

RS: I am a student athletic trainer, which can be fun. I also am involved with the HWS alpine ski team. I am proud to be the rising captain and senior of the ski team. I am also proud to represent such a powerful and beautiful team including myself. If you ever have the time come to Bristol Mountain next year and support us it is always a great time!

HC: What’s something interesting that most people don’t know about you?

RS: When I was 15 years old, I was ranked fourth in the state of New Hampshire for men’s gymnastics. I was good, but then I moved on to bigger and better things.  

HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

RS: Lord only knows, but I see myself in many places doing all kinds of interesting things. I guess I would probably be in a large city, probably New York or Boston. I would be surrounded by all my loving dogs that are probably Golden Retrievers and maybe one Bernese Mountain dogs. I think I would still be single waiting for the one to come my way and of course living above a Chipotle. That’s the only thing that makes the most sense.

HC: Who is your role model? Why?

RS: My older sister is my role model, because she has never been afraid to push boundaries. She does not understand what the word “no” means, which makes sense since she went to law school. She is also very strong and independent; she has helped me to become the person I am toady.

HC: Do you have any summer plans?

RS: I have a couple that I have made, but nothing to major/serious. I have decided that I am going to be eating a lot, trying to get as tan as possible, and to figure out how long I can sit at an all you can eat buffet before they kick me out. I know my plans are super adventurous and creative, but if anyone wants to go to the buffet with me, let me know. It really could be an amazing experience. 

HC: What do you want to be remembered for at HWS?

RS: I want to be remembered for my crazy laugh, upbeat and spunky personality, and for my memory to live on at Marks Pizzeria. I think that I will always be remember at Mark’s, well hopefully at least. 

HC: Whats your favorite part about HWS?

RS: I really love the beauty of the lake and the dock. Whenever I am there it just takes my breath away. I always feel so lucky to go to such a beautiful school. The lake and dock are super accessible and it’s great that I can go down there when ever I feel, to do work or just relax unless it’s winter of course. Oh and of course my favorite place is Beef & Brew. My heart will always belong there. 

HC: What made you choose HWS?

RS: When I decided to come to Hobart and William Smith Colleges it was because of many different factors. I loved the size since I went to a small prep school in New Hampshire. Also the fact that I would be able to ski race through my college career and it was a team sport now, not individual.  Another reason was because of the ambience of the school and the whole culture. I knew that I would really fit in and love everything that this school has to offer.