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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at HWS chapter.

“The Basics”

Name: Rio Schmidt 

Year: 2018

Hometown: Mason, TX

Major: Studio Art and Economics 

Activities: Football

Interested in: Female 

Relationship status: Taken 

If you could have any superpower what would it be? Wolverine’s Power or to sing

Celebrity crush: JLOW (Jennifer Lawrence) 



Food from Texas: Enchiladas 

Sport besides the one you play: Tennis and Surfing 

Candy: Butter figure 

Quote: “Get that corn out of my face!” Nacho Libre 

Book: Harry Potter, because who doesn’t love Harry 

Movie: Gladiator 

Animals: Monkeys and zebras


HC: What was the biggest challenge that you have had to face coming from Texas to Geneva?

RS: The hardest thing for sure was having to drive. It is so long and gets pretty boring after a while. By now I am a pro and I have done the drive three times. The last two times I have had my friend or my parents in the car, so now I at least could talk to someone. I also had the monkey with me the whole time so that was nice…the monkey is the name of my lime green car.  

HC: Where would you go in a time machine?

RS: Could I go anywhere? Well if that is the cases I would want to go to the Death Star. Then when I was there I could just chill with Darth Vador.

HC: What do you look for in a girl?

RS: I always look for someone that is easy to talk to and I can hangout with. The first thing that I notice are their eyes. I love when girls has nice eyes. I am not sure what else I guess just an all around nice girl. 

HC: Do you live by a motto?

RS: Work hard, play hard

HC: Most embarrassing moment?

RS: My most embarrassing moment was when I got stripped down to my underwear by people in the grade above me. Then got thrown into the girls locker room, back then it was so uncomfortable, but now I would just own it. 

HC: If you could have a theme song to your life what would it be?

RS: That would definitely be Carolina by Eric Church. I just love that song and all country music. It is the best!!

HC: What is something most people don’t know about you?

RS: I have many hidden talents. I am able to move my tendon in my knuckle on my right hand. I can wiggle my ears as well. I think the coolest thing that I can do is make my stomach look like I am pregnant. 

HC: What is something on your bucket list?

RS: I really haven’t thought of that before. I guess the main thing that I want to do is drop into a barrel wave and be able to make it out with out falling off my board. I think that would be really cool and I would be pretty happy with myself. 

HC: Why did you want to come to HWS?

RS: I came all the way up to HWS because I wanted to go somewhere a lot different than where I’m from, so upstate NY is just a little  different from central Texas. It also is a prestigious school that has a great football team and I wanted to be apart of that. 

HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

RS: I will probably be chilling on the beaches of Hawaii. Where I would surf a lot and paint all day. It really would be the life. 

HC: If you where stranded on an island what would you bring?

RS: I would bring a car door, because then when I roll down the window I would get a nice breeze!!