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5 Signs You Know Spring Has Sprung at HWS

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at HWS chapter.

Despite the recent snow flurries, the sun is reflecting on Seneca Lake once again. The birds are chirping and you can actually see the grass. Spring has finally hit good old Geneva and its presence couldn’t be more obvious with the sudden shift on campus.


1. Lilly, Jacks and Pastels – Oh, my!

With sunny days, its finally time to tuck the parka, Bean Boots and bulky sweaters into the back of your closet and break out the buried clothes we’ve been dreaming of all winter…or realize you need a whole new wardrobe for spring.

2. Return of the Frat Row Darties

There’s something about good weather and fraternities – it gives them a perfectly acceptable reason to throw a day party, or what we like to call a “darty.”

3. Quad Days

Quite possibly one of the best things about HWS is the Quad. And on that rare day when the weather is actually nice, you might as well cancel the rest of your day.

4. Let’s all pretend we’re athletic

Remember that one time we all told ourselves we were going to workout and stay in shape throughout the winter? Well, most of us probably didn’t (we ran Netflix marathons instead). But, now that the weather is in our favor we can all pretend we stayed in shape, break out the fun-colored Nike shorts, grab your headphones, and enjoy the beautiful lake.

5. It’s almost summer

Perhaps the best (and worst) part about spring in Geneva is the reminder that you’ve almost successfully made it through another amazing year at HWS and summer is right around the corner, but that means leaving behind your friends for a whole three months.