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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Howard chapter.

“We will never arrive” is a profound sentence a mentor of mine has shared with me on previous occasions. This means that as human beings, we will never be 100% perfect, and our lives won’t be either. In a day in which younger generations are desiring to grow, evolve, break generational curses, and live accomplished lives, my mentor’s words always stick with me. I am someone who is often concerned with evolving, growing, and becoming the best version of myself. However, I have come to realize that as soon as I feel like I’ve achieved so much — whether that be internally or externally — there is always another aspect of my life that needs improvement. This is because we will never arrive. 

When our ego tells us that we’ve achieved so much, there will always be another challenge, opportunity, or situation that will cause us to utilize a part of us that has never been utilized. There will be a stretch and mindset shift as our next accomplishment awaits us. 

Knowing that we, as humans, will never arrive has lately been sobering as I choose to look at the process of always being stretched and challenged in a positive way. Even when I am old and grey, I know that there will always be something — internally or externally — to work on. I’d then notice that I am simply an imperfect human being striving to be the best version of myself — but, in the end, I’ll never be perfect. I’ll never have arrived. Instead, I’ll have lived my life achieving the best that I could with what I’ve had.

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Nia Robinson

Howard '23

I am Nia Robinson — a senior Strategic Communications student at Howard University. My love for writing and my love for inspiring others merge together through the inspirational articles that I write for Her Campus Magazine. I seek for readers to feel encouraged and empowered after reading the articles that I write.