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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Howard chapter.

X (formerly Twitter) is home to a million jokes, but the resurfacing of Beyonce’s ‘She Ain’t No Diva’ joke during the Renaissance tour is at the top of the list this week. 

The joke started not long after Beyonce performed her hit song Diva. While singing the lyrics she jokingly pointed at an audience member to punctuate the lyric, “She ain’t no diva,” which she sang multiple times over. 

The concert attendees and social media audiences alike exploded with their own variations of the joke featuring cartoon characters, civil rights icons, other artists, and popular memes that made a similar pointing gesture. 

A popular Beyonce fan page, @beyoncegarden, with over 75 thousand followers, shared the most circulated clip of the viral moment from the concert. But @lavidayeauxduh’s original tweet featuring Lord Farquaad from the popular Disney movie Shrek started the mass influx of memes with over 700 quote reposts. And the following were the funniest, not in any particular order. 

  1. Adele

2. KevOnsStage

3. The iconic Charlotte York, from Sex and the City, at Carrie and Big’s wedding.

4. Sassy Birds

5. Monique

6. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

7. Zendaya as Rue in Max’s Euphoria

8. We know this one, I don’t have to say it.

9. Natalie Nunn

10. And the diva herself, Whitney Houston

Alana Matthew is a senior journalism major and sociology minor at Howard University. Alana is currently the editor-in-chief of the Her Campus Howard section and chief copy editor for The Hilltop. Alana is also a former intern at the Science Based Targets initiative, ABC News, and Bloomberg. Post graduation, Alana intends to continue working as a journalist for a magazine or newspaper. Digital Portfolio: https://alanamatthew2003.wixsite.com/digitalportfolio