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Look Out 2012, Here Comes Victoria Kirby

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Howard chapter.

Victoria Diane Kirby has done it all. She has received both undergraduate and graduate degrees from Howard University, while balancing top leadership positions and membership in several distinct clubs and university organizations. Since completion of her Master’s degree this past May, Victoria has not slowed down one bit, as she is currently working President Barack Obama’s campaign for reelection in 2012. After being named a Next Generation Award Recipient from Metro Weekly Magazine, and having lunch with Mr. President himself, Victoria Diane Kirby proves that with all she has accomplished, there is still more to be done, and there is nothing she can’t do! Here’s a look at this week’s campus celebrity, Victoria Diane Kirby.

When did you graduate from Howard University? What did you study while here? You can include undergraduate as well as graduate studies, if both apply
I graduated from Howard with my Bachelor’s in Communication & Culture in 2009 and a Masters of Arts Public Administration in 2011. 

What were you known for during your tenure at Howard? What clubs and organizations were you affiliated with? Did these affiliations help to shape the person you have become today?
I served as the undergraduate student trustee my senior year and Chair of General Assembly (UGSA rep for School of Communications) my junior year. I joined over a dozen organizations throughout my tenure at Howard, but was most consistent in Chapel Assistants (the first organization I joined as a freshman) and BLAGOSAH (now named CASCADE- the LGBTQA organization at Howard). They helped shape my identity and kept me grounded throughout my Howard political career and into graduate school when I was a graduate assistant in the Office of the President and the Office of University Communications & Marketing. Chapel services that I bought CDs of still give me strength today as I work to re-elect President Obama.

Since graduating, what have you been up to as far as work, school, and other endeavors? 
After graduating, I continued work on Howard’s social media initiative which I started while in graduate school as well as working towards an LGBT Resource Center at Howard. While working on those initiatives I also worked full time as a Summer Organizer for Obama for America. At the end of the summer I had lunch with President Obama and a couple days later accepted an offer to work for the president full time as a Regional Field Director in the most important electoral state in the nation-Florida (which happens to be where I’m from). Since graduating, I also received the Next Generation Award from Metro Weekly Magazine. 

Unlike many Howard alumni, your name is still recognizable to staff, faculty, and students, even freshmen! How does this make you feel? What would you say is the one thing that made you such a widely-known name on campus?
I feel honored to know that there are freshmen on campus that know who I am and feel extremely humbled. I always looked up to those that came before me so it always amazes me that someone now feels the same way about me. I always presented myself as a professional, serious, committed, and passionate student leader and never took the vote from my peers for granted. I tried my best to voice the concerns of everyone, was comfortable in my own skin, and was never afraid to speak up.

What are your keys to success?
I am a relentless advocate and motivator. In every role that I’ve played I always viewed myself as a professional.

Everyone desires to be successful, especially Howard students. What advice would you give someone who is trying to make a name for his/herself and/or someone who is striving for the success that you have accomplished?
I always tell people to be themselves. Howard is a community that embraces authenticity. Originality is priceless. Don’t strive to be anybody’s copycat. Don’t worry about what people think about you because at the end of the day the people that are negative don’t matter. You will experience rejection (it’s a part of life), but you will experience much more acceptance if you dare to be comfortable in your skin and embrace/love yourself. Learn everything you can from each other, your professors, staff, administrators, and guest speakers and take in EVERY opportunity (don’t take anything for granted). Lastly, remember someone is always watching you and you never know when what you do matters so be prepared to give your best at all times.

What are some of your goals, both long and short-term?
I have many goals, some which may happen others that won’t. I want to be a public servant, a professor, a non-profit leader, a host of a political talk show, a social justice advocate, an actress, a higher education administrator, a motivational speaker, a minister…really whatever God has for me. I hope I live a long life and reach many of my goals. But right now, my only goal is to help deliver Florida’s 29 electoral college votes and make sure President Obama is elected the next President of the United States.

Kalia Williams sophomore English major with a a minor in Journalism. She is from McAllen, TX, a budding town on the border of Texas and Mexico. She is interested in fashion, cinematography, traveling and learning languages. In addition to writing for HerCampus-Howard University, she serves as the editor of Sterling Notes, the literary magazine at Howard University. She is an avid fan of soccer and aspires to go to the World Cup 2014 in Brazil!