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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Howard chapter.

When some think of the word “journaling,” it conjures up the image of a pre-teen girl, relaying the events of her day in the privacy of her bedroom.  If it does for you, just know that there are many techniques and styles to journaling.  Keeping a sort of diary has been proven to reduce stress, boost self-esteem, and improve mental health.  You get to know yourself the same way that you get to know a friend or a significant other.  This is an era where we do anything to distract ourselves from our own thoughts, and journaling gives us the opportunity to work through our thoughts effectively. 


Source: Pixbay 

Writing helps your creativity flow like drawing, painting, or any other activity.  Having an outlet like this helps you work through your stress, and allows you to freely express your thoughts and emotions without worry of judgment.  By putting down these things in a journal your mind will be more quiet, allowing you to relax easily.  Reliving past events and planning for future ones in a safe and private space makes you more confident.  This can be the most beneficial when dealing with grief, trauma, and stress. 


Source: Pixbay 

 When writing in a journal, you don’t have to censor yourself like you do with others.  You’re essentially talking to yourself, so you don’t have to worry about lack of confidentiality or judgment.  You learn more about yourself like what makes you happy, frustrated, sad, angry, etc. and you can also learn what makes you feel better and how to improve.  By writing in a journal, you can take a step back to assess your life objectively.  You become more mindful, feel more accepting and more in control of your circumstances.



Veronica is currently a freshman at Howard University, and is majoring in Journalism with a minor in Political Science. She loves reading, writing (obviously), listening to music, and advocating for the Black and LGBTQ+ communities. She hopes to impact the world using her voice and her writing abilities, and is always ready to partake in a political debate!