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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Howard chapter.

Fried Turkey


Yes, you have to fry it! Baking your turkey gets old, so try to cook it a new way. Trust me, once you try fried turkey, you won’t go back.


Macaroni and Cheese


This is really self-explanatory. Growing up, you could not have had any holiday gathering in my household without cooking some macaroni. It is truly a staple! Also, do yourself a favor and bake it. Do NOT just make it on the stove.


Rice and Gravy (with a twist)


Growing up, we would eat rice and gravy for Thanksgiving and Christmas (but not your ordinary brown gravy). We would use turkey gravy! This is called giblet gravy, and it is so hard to master but so good to eat. Giblet gravy can sometimes be done wrong, but my family always does it right! It is a yellowish gravy that goes over rice and alongside turkey. Anyone that has visited my family and ate it for the first time loved it. It is definitely my favorite for the holidays.




You can eat cornbread with any soul food meal, but for me, it is an accessory to the Thanksgiving plate. It adds a little pop of color and flavor to your taste buds among the rest of your main food items. It’s a delicacy.


Collard Greens


Why not add some green to your plate, chile? Of course, we’re indulging in very carby foods, but collard greens are healthy! Right? Even if it’s cooked with smoked net bones and other secret ingredients.


Sweet Potato Pie


This dessert is definitely controversial because, at times, it can be a hit or miss. But, I’m going to always stand by it. It is delicious, and no one can change my mind about that. Get you a slice or two this Thanksgiving.




Girl, treat yourself on this day! We’re eating good and thinking about the consequences later, okay? Plus, we always have tomorrow to work on the pounds we gained.


I hope you enjoy your time off and spend time with your loved ones this holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving!


Kayla Cash

Howard '22

Kayla Cash is a senior at Howard University currently majoring in civil engineering. She is from Jacksonville, Florida. She strives to be valuable in any career field ranging from filmmaking and engineering. Kayla Cash is the epitome of a renaissance woman.
Jamiya Kirkland is a senior Biology major, Sociology and Afro-American studies minor from PG County, MD