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Your First Month at Holy Cross

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.


So you’ve mastered your class schedule and you’ve already spent half your dining dollars at Cool Beans. Maybe you’ve even rearranged the furniture in your dorm room a few dozen times. But how do you know if you’re really having a typical first month on the Hill?


  1. Your calves have already doubled in size from the walks to Kimball.

  2. You figured out which shower has the best water pressure (and you’ve learned what times it’s unoccupied).

  3. You bought a lanyard for your ID card (and poked fun at yourself for being labeled “that freshman”).

  4. You already stole dishes from Kimball to use in your dorm room.

  5. You went to Rumors on a week night.

  6. You made jokes about going to Rumors on a week night.

  7. You read YikYak in between all your classes (because Wheeler 4….).

  8. You still don’t know where the bathroom is in Dinand.

  9. You ordered “going out” clothes from Tobi, ASOS, or Urban (or all three).

  10. You already figured out that the Edge is only good for the free food (pizza AND Wings over Worcester??).

  11. You still leave 15 minutes early for class (because you still get lost).

  12. You use all your dining dollars at the Science Café because you’ve already realized their veggie wrap is better than anything offered at Kimball.

  13. You check your mail every time you’re at Hogan and still can’t figure out how to open your mailbox.

  14. You went to the poster sale (twice).

  15. You’re already planning your Halloween costume (because, now you don’t have mom to tell you what’s appropriate).


Adjusting to life on Mount Saint James might be hard at times, especially for those who aren’t originally from the East Coast. Even though you might be a little homesick, you know you’ve had a typical first month at Holy Cross when the Hill already feels like home.

Sophomore and History and English double major at the College of the Holy Cross