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You Can Do It: Inspirational Quotes for HC Students

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Let’s be real, we all have those days on the hill when we literally can’t even. Hopefully, these motivational quotes will turn that attitude around because you totally CAN even. We all need that pick me up when:

  1. You just want to roll up like a burrito and nap:
  2. You should totally rally and go to Leitrim’s with all your friends:
  3. You know you have to finish that soviet history paper or that Econ problem set:
  4. The last thing on your mind is to go to Hart and get on that treadmill:
  5. You can’t decide whether to apply to that study abroad program or that Maymester: 
  6. You need that extra reason to wear that cute outfit to your Poli-Sci class:
  7. You need that push to join a new organization like spud or her campus:
  8. The confidence to apply for that marketing internship is needed:
  9. You failed that statistics test:
  10. When you know your ex-bae is going to be at a party off campus:
  11. And last but not least if none of these quotes helped, just remember: 
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Kelly Wong

Holy Cross

College of the Holy Cross '2017
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Evan Grogan

Holy Cross

Evan Grogan is a senior at the College of the Holy Cross who is studying abroad for the year at the University of St Andrews. She is an English and Art History double major and eventually hopes to attend graduate school for journalism and write for The New York Times. When Evan is not busy with school and writing for both Holy Cross' newspaper and Her Campus, she loves to read; go for runs; and spend time with her friends. She is obsessed with the color navy, rainbow sprinkles, and anything involving glitter.