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Why You Should be Supporting Selena Gomez’s Beauty Brand

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

From Lady Gaga to Ariana Grande to Rihanna, it seems like all of the biggest female names in Hollywood- and seemingly the music industry- are launching their own makeup brands. One of the most well-known celebrities to hop on this wave is Selena Gomez, who named her makeup line “Rare Beauty” after her 2020 studio album called “Rare.” The pop star’s brand is one of the most successful beauty brands today, winning 34 awards in just three years of establishment, making it the most awarded beauty brand released this decade. So what sets Rare Beauty apart from all of the other celebrity makeup lines? Let’s get into it. 

  1. The Mission

Rare Beauty’s mission is to redefine beauty by celebrating what makes you unique (or rare, rather than trying to be someone else. Gomez is quoted on the Rare Beauty website with the powerful quote that says, “Being rare is about being comfortable with yourself. I’ve stopped trying to be perfect. I just want to be me.” 

With social media playing such a prevalent role in so many of our lives, it’s easier than ever to compare ourselves to each other. Scrolling through a feed of women who edit their photos with Facetune or have undergone cosmetic surgeries makes the beauty standard unrealistic and unattainable. With that being said, it’s refreshing to be reminded that we don’t have to change ourselves to feel beautiful. 

  1. The Rare Impact Fund

Just as Gomez is passionate about self-acceptance, she also is a major advocate for mental health, especially because she has openly struggled with mental illness for years. She made the decision to create the Rare Impact Fund to raise money to help make mental health resources more accessible to the youth. The brand plans on raising $100 million in the next decade, and a huge part of this effort is by donating 1% of all its sales to this fund. I can’t think of anything better than supporting a brand that is making a difference in the lives of so many.

  1. The Products Themselves

While it would be nice if the brand’s message and philanthropic efforts were enough to make people buy the product, that’s not how the world works. Lucky for Rare Beauty, its products are top-notch. One of its several products is its liquid blushes, which have gone viral on social media because of their high pigmentation- meaning that you only need a dot to achieve a healthy flushed look. Gomez’s lip oils have also gained attention across socials because of their ability to last all day long. 

I was one of Rare Beauty’s first customers simply because of my love for Selena and the brand’s mission, so I’ve been so happy to see the immense success that these products have had. I hope that these reasons will be enough for you to support this makeup brand over the many others that are out there today.

Madeline Sughrue

Holy Cross '24

Maddie is a Psychology major and Italian studies minor from Winchester, MA. She loves listening to music, traveling, and all things pop culture!