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The Fashion Accessory We Should Bring Back This Winter

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

It’s getting to be that time of year when it’s no longer the cute and cozy “sweater weather” but more the “oof why didn’t I wear a jacket today” weather. The colder temperatures mean it would be smart to add winter accessories to your wardrobe, but for whatever reason, it’s not socially acceptable to do this as a college student. 

On my freezing walk to class the other day, I tried thinking of what I would want to wear to keep warm if I didn’t care what other people thought. Then it hit me: earmuffs. Even though this accessory has been out of the fashion scene for some years now, I think we should bring it back. Here are a few reasons why…

  1. They’re fashionable! After all, headphones just made a massive comeback, and earmuffs are pretty much the same thing just with fuzz.
  2. The first part of our body to get cold is our ears, so it makes sense to put something warm directly on them. The creator of the earmuffs was onto something!
  3. Earmuffs don’t give you that crazy hair frizz that comes when you take off a knit hat. 
  4. We’ve brought back Uggs for the first time in a while, so why not pair them with an equally trendy Y2K winter accessory? 

If I muster up any courage to wear something more than a jacket on campus this winter season, it will probably be gloves before it will be earmuffs. But that’s not to say that if I see someone wearing a pair of earmuffs I won’t quickly hop along on the trend!

Madeline Sughrue

Holy Cross '24

Maddie is a Psychology major and Italian studies minor from Winchester, MA. She loves listening to music, traveling, and all things pop culture!