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Speed Dating Activity: An Interview with a Fellow Freshman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

During the last Her Campus meeting, I was able to interact with a bunch of members of the club during a “speed dating” activity. As a new member of Her Campus, I really enjoyed getting to know some of my peers, even though each interaction lasted for a few brief moments. After talking to Claire, who is also a freshman, I felt as though she would be a great person to write about! We only had time to get through pretty baseline questions, but I was able to take away that Claire is a super interesting person during our conversation.

Where are you from?

I am from Bedford, New Hampshire, which is about an hour away from Holy Cross.

What grade are you in, and what dorm are you living in this year?

I am a freshman living in Hanselman this year!

What are you planning on majoring in?

I am planning on majoring in Economics.

Do you like to travel? If you do, what is your favorite place you have traveled to?

I definitely like to travel! My favorite place I have been so far is Venice, Italy.

What sports did you do in high school or participate in now, if any?

I participated in rowing during my high school years. I (currently) don’t play any sports at Holy Cross.

What is your favorite restaurant in Worcester?

My favorite Worcester restaurant is Loving Hut! They have a lot of great options for not only those who are vegetarian, but those who are vegan as well.

Do you have any siblings? If so, are they also in college?

I have two younger brothers. Neither of them are in college yet, but they are both approaching an age where they have to think about what schools they would consider attending!

Meredith McDonough

Holy Cross '26

Meredith is a junior from Woburn, MA who enjoys writing, dance and spending time with friends!