During the last Her Campus meeting, I was able to interact with a bunch of members of the club during a “speed dating” activity. As a new member of Her Campus, I really enjoyed getting to know some of my peers, even though each interaction lasted for a few brief moments. After talking to Claire, who is also a freshman, I felt as though she would be a great person to write about! We only had time to get through pretty baseline questions, but I was able to take away that Claire is a super interesting person during our conversation.
Where are you from?
I am from Bedford, New Hampshire, which is about an hour away from Holy Cross.
What grade are you in, and what dorm are you living in this year?
I am a freshman living in Hanselman this year!
What are you planning on majoring in?
I am planning on majoring in Economics.
Do you like to travel? If you do, what is your favorite place you have traveled to?
I definitely like to travel! My favorite place I have been so far is Venice, Italy.
What sports did you do in high school or participate in now, if any?
I participated in rowing during my high school years. I (currently) don’t play any sports at Holy Cross.
What is your favorite restaurant in Worcester?
My favorite Worcester restaurant is Loving Hut! They have a lot of great options for not only those who are vegetarian, but those who are vegan as well.
Do you have any siblings? If so, are they also in college?
I have two younger brothers. Neither of them are in college yet, but they are both approaching an age where they have to think about what schools they would consider attending!