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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Over the past couple of years, the slicked-back bun has gained enormous popularity in the beauty world. This sleek, smooth hairstyle can be worn to a fancy outing, or can dress up a casual weekday outfit. I’ve been enjoying incorporating a slicked-back pony into my limited hairstyle options, especially on days when my hair appears too greasy to wear down. That’s not to say, though, that this hairstyle has been easy to achieve by any means. The internet has a lot of different tips on the best way to achieve this sought-after look, but after trial and error, I feel I have narrowed down a list of must-have products. 

Cactus Fruit 3-in-1 Styling Cream by Dae

This cream has been my savior. Only a pea-sized amount is needed to tame frizz at the roots and create a sleek base. Other alternatives such as gel can also tame frizz, but create a much sticker look that tells everyone you have a lot of product in your hair. Plus, this product smells AMAZING.

A Boar Bristle Brush

This item is arguably the most important. After putting your hair into a pony (using a brush or just your fingers prior is up to you), this thick brush smooths out your hair and pushes down any lumps. It’s truly a miracle worker.

Hair Wax Stick by Samnyte

If you Google ‘slicked-back hair products’, this is typically the first one that pops up. I naively purchased it thinking it would be the only product I’d need for this look, but I quickly learned that that’s not the case. Instead, this wax stick is good to glide across your hair to tame any strays and directly target imperfections. 

Bobby bins

Finally, bobby pins are good to have on deck in case any stubborn hairs are sticking out like sore thumbs. 

If you have these products, you’re guaranteed to look as good as Hailey Bieber, Zendaya, and that girl who always wears a perfect slicked-back up-do to class.  

Madeline Sughrue

Holy Cross '24

Maddie is a Psychology major and Italian studies minor from Winchester, MA. She loves listening to music, traveling, and all things pop culture!