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Peter Pujals ’17 and Jake Wieczorek ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Jake Wieczorek and Peter Pujals are more than just two offensive all-stars of the Holy Cross football team.  When Her Campus had the lovely opportunity to catch up with this dynamic duo, we found out tons of info about these two Campus Cuties!  For one, not only are they a force to be reckoned with on the gridiron, they are best friends and roommates.  Next time you see these two eating in Kimball go up and say hi, they are two of friendliest people you’ll meet here on the Hill!

Name: Peter Pujals

Year: 2017

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Major: Psychology

Relationship Status: Single

Pregame Pump up song: “Starships” by Nicki Minaj

Celebrity Crush: Ariana Grande


Name: Jake Wieczorek

Year: 2017

Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia

Major: Econ & Pre-Med

Relationship Status: In a relationship (sorry ladies)

Pregame pump up song: “The Intro” by XX

Celebrity Crush: Jennifer Aniston


Any good luck charms?

P: I have to eat a nerds rope before every game.

J: I don’t really have one now, but before I came to Holy Cross I had this hotel key.  It was really lucky so I used to wear it in my shoe.

Do you have any secret talents?

J: Oh Peter does! He can rap every word to “Look At Me Now,” I can’t really think of one except that I can curl my tongue into a clover.

P: Oh come on that’s lame, everybody can do that!

What are three things in life you can’t live without?

P: Family, Faith… and Jake (Peter jokingly smiles and looks at Jake).

J: Family, uh Peter I guess, and Pasta

It’s 3am and you just got back to your room, what’s your go-to snack?

J: I always keep pizza from Lower Kimball in my fridge so that’s definitely my go to

P: Can it be anything? Well I guess it would be dumplings if they were available.

J: Dumplings…?

P: Uh yea

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go?

J: Italy

P: As odd as it sounds, I would really love to go to Cuba, it seems really cool

Holy Cross girls are the best because….

J: They are really smart and funny…actually no change that to intelligent and witty, it sounds better.

P: Hmm… I like Holy Cross girls because they are super lively and energetic.

Where would you take a girl on a first date?

P: Dave and Busters.

J: Movie theatre.

What are you most proud of in life?

J: My dad for getting me where I am today

P: Probably my younger brothers

Most Embarrassing moment on The Hill?

P: Oh man, I have too many… Probably the best happened in Kimball though. I was in Kimball and you know how you grab two bowls when you’re making a salad and stack them on top of each other to toss it? Well I kind of mismatched the bowls and when I started shaking, I literally shook the salad all over myself.  Plus I’ve fallen down the stairs a bunch of times too

J: Yea, he has a lot… I can’t really think of any for me though.

P: Oh I’m sure I can.

J: Don’t say it if it’s that bad (Peter just laughs).

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

P: Hopefully I’ll have a beautiful family with a bunch of little mes running around… actually no don’t write that!! (I told him I had to).

J: I really want to be a doctor, so hopefully I’ll be doing that somewhere

 Do you have any idea what kind of doctor you want to be?

J: I have no idea yet

P: He’ll be psychiatrist or maybe a hypnotist… actually definitely a hypnotists

What is at the top of your HC bucket list?

J: Get into the exorcism room!

P: What do you mean by bucket list?

One thing you want to do before you leave Holy Cross!

P: Oh… fix the Wifi