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My Tips and Tricks to Prep for Finals Szn

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

It is only a couple weeks from final exams and the end of the semester, which means that there is an insane amount of stress, lack of sleep, and studying coming up. The first thing to do is take out your calendar or planner and put in the days you have each final. Here you are able to see the gaps and timing between each one, allowing you to organize your plan of attack. The one you have scheduled first should be immediately prioritized as you start your studying materials – either flashcards, Quizlet, or just a general format of a study guide created from your notes or class presentations. Continue this prepping routine for the next exam and then the next. I recommend doing the prep work for each class before actually beginning to study for any exam because this will make everything less stressful when the days get closer to actually taking the tests (you can always cram in a study session before a test, but if you have to also do all the work to prepare your studying it will make it that much more time consuming and stressful). 

When it comes to actually starting to study for each exam it makes it that much easier when you divide your study guides into sections to study per week leading up to the exam. I am not saying that I do this every time, but I try to because it allows me to at least try my best to be organized and have somewhat of a plan. If you study the material a little bit each day then you will feel more confident in yourself. The process of reviewing and re-learning/memorizing the information allows you to meet with your professor or other students in your class if you come across anything confusing you need to clarify. Sometimes, not for everyone, the action of treating yourself after you complete one section of your study guide can help push you through it and motivate you to do the work. Personally, I have done this in the past with papers where I write a paragraph then watch a show, Big Mouth on Netflix, then write another paragraph. It is not the most efficient system by any means, but it certainly made the process fun and in the end I got the paper done within the day. Treating yourself with a snack, such as a cookie, after completing a section of your work also helps. 

On a matter of study groups, they are amazing! If you can, reach out to other students or your friends in the class to organize and compile a large study guide together. This allows you to divide the work so that each individual has less on their plate while still getting all of the correct information needed organized in front of them to prepare for studying. There is even an app slowly coming into the market that allows you to find people within your class (if they too have the app). This is called Study Hall, where you make an account with your first and last name. Here you say what college you go to and search up the code or title of your class to join it. Once joined, you can see the other students in it and are able to contact them through the app to make a connection. This will help you potentially find your study group and peers that will benefit you throughout the semester, especially for tests. It is also a way to simply clarify any questions you have on homework or whats to be expected for the next class.

Usually the way you study and prepare for a final examination depends on when your exams are within relation to each other, but this is all random and you pray for good timing. The last advice I can give is to try your best and trust your gut so you do not second guess yourself.  Doing a power pose before any sort of test or presentation will help evolve these feelings of confidence and trust in yourself – no seriously there was a study done where half the class did a superman pose (wide stand, standing upright, and hands in fists on the hips) while the other half did not and in the end the kids who did a power pose received better scores. With everything going on in your life, an extra annoying thing to do like a final exam just adds to your busy day and the bags under your eyes. Hopefully these tips and tricks will help you to make these times even a little bit less stressful so you can enjoy your last few weekends with your friends on campus.

Colette Offermann

Holy Cross '23

Colette is currently pursuing an English major and minoring in Studio Art and Social Ethics and Business at Holy Cross. On her free days she loves to paint abstract works, try out new recipes, play tennis, go to wine tastings, and experience new activities within her community such as new restaurants and boutiques.