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My Summer Countdown is in full Swing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

With a month left until summer, have you thought about your goals for the summer of 2022? Every year that  I can remember, I start off my summer a couple of months early. I do this by creating a checklist of places to visit, friends to see, activities to do,  and personal goals I want to achieve. While not all of these things will always be achievable, not only does it get me excited for the upcoming time off, but it allows me to remind myself to take advantage of this block of time to better myself and step out of my comfort zone. 

Yes, summer is a time to relax and hopefully earn some spending money or even kick start your career through an internship or shadowing. However, it’s also time to reconnect with family and friends from home and take some time away from the social chaos that is college. This time is precious, both with the people at home, but with the time you have to experience an eventful summer. Planning will help the summer be all the more exciting to look forward to. Additionally,  I have learned that if I don’t plan the simplest day trips or visits, they won’t happen and then August will be here!

So right now, as I’m day dreaming of New England beaches, I’m jotting down a list of day trips and friends that would want to join. Whether that is planning a day trip and putting it on the calendar, or booking that airbnb or hotel for a long weekend, these trips can make or break your vacation. Just one more month, and finals will be behind us. I’m starting my “summer goals” list this weekend, are you?

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Lane Torosian

Holy Cross '24

Sophomore at Holy Cross! Singer/Songwriter 🌸🌸