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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

I joined Her Campus at the start of February and started writing for the Holy Cross branch a week after I joined. I had heard about the club last year and specifically remember the thrift store event held last spring. However, it did not fully become on my radar until I was talking to my friend about it who had recently joined. She encouraged me to join and told me that it would be fun to do (and that there were free samples of different products!). I decided to check it out and read some of the articles on the webpage. I found the articles fun, interesting, casual, and very personal. This captivated me and I decided to email about joining the club.

When I joined, I was a bit nervous as I had never written anything for the public before, let alone do it for a national organization. I am by no means a writer or even an avid reader but wanted to step out of my comfort zone, even if it meant that I had to write about something personal every now and again. After attending my first meeting, I saw familiar faces and liked the idea of a female run club just doing fun activities, group bonding, and events together. However, when it came to writing my first article I was stuck. I wanted to write a quick read but also an article that could be useful and keep the reader’s attention. I found myself sitting with my friends in cool beans one weekend when we started talking about color analysis and the trend of trying to “find your season.” As we started to do this, it came to me that I should write about this and see if I can even “find my season.” We had fun doing the analysis and trying out different colors; I had fun writing about it and documenting this silly trend we tried. Once I submitted it, I was happy with the results and excited to see it officially on the website. Each week I wrote my article (sometimes submitted them late) and checked the website every Sunday to see if it was posted. I was glad I joined the club.

Additionally, I have also been able to experience a sense of community while in the club. From doing the Kahoot bonding, to making fake flower vases for our dorms, I got to learn more about the girls in the club and become closer with my friends. This was an unexpected surprise I received from the club and did not expect such a supportive atmosphere. I am happy that I joined Her Campus and will continue with the club next year, even while abroad.

Kyra Corbisiero is currently a sophomore at College of the Holy Cross is majoring in Psychology and Sociology. Kyra loves fashion, movies, architecture, travel, and the social sciences.