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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

As the semester starts to wind down, and the workload begins to ramp up with final projects and papers, it’s important to utilize your time well. The end of the spring semester holds so many fun opportunities. Being as productive as possible while you are designating time to get work done is crucial.

I am a big believer that your environment will have a direct impact on how you work and feel. Doing work in your dorm room will not help you get your homework done faster. In order to maximize your time, you need to be in an environment where you can focus and feel inspired.

The Library

Though the library seems like an obvious choice, finding a new spot or room in the library each time you go can help with a change of scenery when studying.

On-Campus Coffee

Cool Beans and CafeBabel are two of my favorite places to study at Holy Cross. With the addition of an iced coffee, I am infinitely more productive.

Getting Off Campus!

Whether in a coffee shop or somewhere else, sometimes taking a break from campus can really help studying.


With warmer weather, studying outside can be great, especially if you can find an outdoor table to set up with.

Anywhere by a Window

If you can’t get outside, I always love to study with natural light.

The moral of the story is that you have to get out of your dorm and find places to study that work for you. If you find a good spot, you can be more productive, and you’ll be able to enjoy all of the springtime fun as we end the semester. 

Ann O'Malley

Holy Cross '26

Ann is a current sophomore at Holy Cross from Milton, Massachusetts. She enjoys spending time with friends, listening to music, and writing!