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Legit Ways to Save Money on the Hill

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

“I’m Broke and I need a handle of Pink Lemonade Burnettes!!”


It’s September, our dining dollars and our bank accounts haven’t taken any serious hits yet.  But a couple nights at Leitrums, one too many online shopping binges, and that last trip to Starbucks might start to put you into the red zone come December.  Below are some legitimate ways that you can use to keep your bank account cushioned.


1) Refuse to Go!!!!!

 I’m starting with one of the hardest strategies-the “just say no” willpower we all desire.  The easiest way to accomplish this is by not joining your friends on your trip to the mall, or off campus to get food.  When asked if you would like to join, simply yell no and run to the library, or start watching a thrilling episode on Netflix.  By the time they leave and spend all their riches, you will have enjoyed the latest episode of Scandal, finished a paper, AND saved yourself some cash!  An alternative route to the refuse to go rule would include the “window shopping strategy.”  Along the same lines, just a little harder.  If you want to join your friends to the mall, you can still go, just don’t bring your wallet and DO NOT borrow your friend’s money!


2) Eat Kimball…

Kimball is cheap, unlimited, free and a very great way to save money.  Skip the Chipotle, or even the Croads and walk yourself down Mount St. James for the new renovated Kimball.  Better yet, bring all your empty water bottles (UNLESS YOU RECYLCE THEM FOR 5 cents-it adds up) and fill them with juice-nowwww you don’t have to buy juice at the store!  You know, Kimball is all you can eat, they never say when you have to eat it (;

3) Pick up change you find on the ground

Once again, it adds up.  But really.


4) Poshmark

www.poshmark.com or download it in the app store!  I’ve been using this app for the last couple of years and have made about $500.  The idea is that you sell your clothes and accessories that you no longer want.  Some things may sell for $10 but it soon can turn into more!  The app is really simple, and shipping is paid for and completed by the buyer.  All you have to do is put it in a bag, print a shipping label, and drop it off in Hogan.  If you have any extra items laying around your room that you’re ready to part with, I highly suggest looking into it.

5) Keep old water bottles

It’s time consuming, and annoying to do.  But-enough of the Poland spring water bottles that your mom bought you can be recycles and can help with your picking up change fund.  Maybe you’ll earn a couple extra bucks to tip your cab driver with.

6) Limit the cash you carry

If you do go out shopping or for a night of fun-only carry a certain amount of cash with you.  This is your allowance for the night and you can not go over it.  Remember to leave the debit card at home so you can’t be persuaded to go over budget.

7) Stock up while you can

Fall break is coming up fast!  Make a list NOW of things you need.  Instead of buying them now, or forgetting what you needed at home, see if you can persuade mom or dad to take you on a trip to get all your essentials.  A couple weeks without deodorant is fine…right?

8) The tobi loop hole

Tobi, a very popular website, offers 50% off your first order.  This should really be read, “50% off your first order with every email.”  The secret is, there’s no limit to the number of emails you are allowed to make.  So, whenever making a purchase from Tobi or another site that offers new customers a special discount, MAKE A NEW EMAIL!

9) Retailmenot.com

Finally, if you have to buy something online or in a store check here before doing so.  A lot of the times there are sales, or coupons on what you’re looking to get and you have no idea.  Check here before making a big purchase, and you can save yourself a lot of money.

10) Splurge when appropriate

Sometimes it’s ok to spend a little extra, that’s what you slaved away nannying all summer for.  Pick a special day, or a special item that you allow yourself to splurge for.  I normally like to take Sundays to go get a nice breakfast, or lunch with my friends as my own special treat for myself.  Enjoy this time because for the rest of the week you’ll be in Kimball.


If there's anything I've mastered in this life, it's a successful hair flip.