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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

I had the privilege of interviewing the illustrious Fiona Smith, she is a whirlwind of ecstatic hope. If you see her wandering around campus make sure to say hi!

If you could tell your younger self one thing about college what would it be?

To be yourself because people who love you will love you for who you are. I would also say to cherish every moment as it all passes too fast. Finally, be prepared for change and be okay with it. You are going to grow a lot but it will be a good thing. In the words of Chloe Williams, “there are places where you grow up but those are no longer places you grow”.

What is your favorite spot on campus?

Definitely the Green Room or the big table in the arts section in Dinand. They are cozy spaces that have a lot of character; I love the little nooks and views from the windows.

If you wrote a book what would it be about?

Definitely a coming of age book about being a teenage girl. I would emphasize the friendships and girlhood, but have zero romance–okay maybe slight romance.

If a movie was made about you, who would you want to play you?

Saoirse Ronan! She is my favorite actress and I love the authenticity she brings to the characters she plays. All of my favorite characters are played by her.

Describe yourself as a color and why.

I want to say green, but everyone in my life has told me that I am orange. I think orange does fit because orange is definitely the wackiest of colors and I have a very vibrant personality and I am kind of all over the place. I also say green though because I love the color green, that’s the color of nature, and I want to embody a summer’s day.

What is your favorite Holy Cross memory so far?

I think when I ate a sundae at Kimball after Catalina and then I took a nap with my friends for like three hours–Bucket’s family style–and then had a debrief about our day. Another memory I love was after leaving a dorm party my friends, Emma and Maggie, and I ran around campus singing “Supercut” by Lorde and in that moment I just thought “aw these people”.

What is your major?

English because I love books and stories. I love learning about the human truths that literature offers, also I love reading about characters and people. I might also double major in theater or history because I love art and being able to say something through that art.

What is your favorite ice cream flavor and why?

The ice cream place in my town, Van Dyk’s, I would get cherry vanilla in a cup–not a cone though! Another favorite of mine is mint oreo with hot fudge and whipped cream, but you have to have the fudge and whipped cream otherwise it’s not the same.

I also love Hoffman’s fudge mint cookie with hot fudge and whipped cream, you can have it without the whipped cream but definitely not without the fudge.

What is your favorite book and why?

The Handmaid’s Tale because it is some of the best writing I have ever read. I love Margaret Atwood, her writing style is so captivating and she is so good at giving voice to these very human truths that are so hard to describe. Offred is the first female character I’ve ever read about that isn’t perfect; there is a narrative that women in literature have to be perfect but that’s just not true, humans have flaws. It is a very human book and I appreciate that.

I also love The Catcher in the Rye because I read it at a time in my life that was very influenced by this book. I understand Holden’s frustrations.

What movie has had the greatest impact on you?

Lady Bird or Little Women–basically anything Greta Gerwig has touched. I love the characters, I mean I can watch Lady Bird over and over again and cry everytime. These movies portray girlhood through defying yourself and discovering what you love. I also love the soundtracks.

If you could star in any musical or play what would it be?

Jo March in Little Women, that is my dream role. Jo March is my favorite female character of all time, I’ve always felt a connection to her.

Also, Emily Webb in Our Town, I love her monologue at the end. It’s a play about what it means to be human or what it means to be alive.

Maybe Mary Tyrone in Long Day’s Journey Into Night, it is a challenging and interesting role to play.

If you could say one thing about life what would it be?

All about the people you’re with. Life is all about the people that are going to hold your hand and face the wind.

Emma Weiss

Holy Cross '26

Emma Weiss is a current Sophomore at Holy Cross, but she is originally from Michigan. She is a Political Science major with minors in Environmental Studies and Creative Writing. In her free time, she loves to explore Pinterest, make playlists, and drink coffee!