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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

It’s that time of year again when college kids are sucked into the spiral that is Halloweekend. The need to go out and give it your all is understandable, but what’s not is failing in correctly nursing your hangover. Here’s some treats to help trick your body into getting back into Halloween shape!

  1. Liquid IV

Hydration is key in helping recover from a crazy night out. Alcohol can often times dehydrate you and drinking a big glass of water before you fall asleep isn’t always #1 on your mind when you get back from a night out. That’s why putting Liquid IV into your hungover water bottle and letting the electrolytes do the rest. My personal favorite flavor is passionfruit!

  1. B-12 

The vitamin B-12 can be essential in replenishing the nutrients that you often lose when consuming alcohol. It is recommended that you take B-12 before you begin drinking or before you go to bed after drinking and it will preemptively lessen your hangover symptoms. It also aids in making you feel less tired when waking up after a night out of drinking. 

  1. A bagel!

I cannot stamp this cure as scientifically proven, but bagels are always a hungover food that seems to make me and my stomach feel better. Instead of wasting your meal swipe or dining dollar at Cool Beans my favorite hack is to go to kimball, lounge in a booth, and enjoy my perfectly toasted and buttered bagel.

Attempt to cure your spooky hangover this weekend with some of these tips. Happy Halloween!

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Campbell McNulty

Holy Cross '27

Hi! My name is Campbell McNulty and I'm a sophomore at Holy Cross. I'm a declared English major and enjoy writing in my free time and for this club.