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How To Choose Between Gel and Dip Powder Nails

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

There aren’t many things I love more than treating myself to a fresh manicure. More often than not, however, my indecisiveness follows me into the nail salon since I almost always find myself debating whether to get a gel manicure or a dip powder manicure. Here are some pros and cons of both methods that I have taken into account!

Application Process

When you get a gel manicure, the product is brushed on like nail polish and then cured with UV light, which can be harmful to your skin. The application process for a dip manicure takes longer since there are more steps, but no radiation is required: your nails are primed, dipped in colored powder, and sealed with a topcoat.


Dip powder manicures generally last longer than gel manicures. This is because dip is widely regarded as more durable than gel, as the formula resembles what my nail technician describes as “glue-based resin.” It’s definitely difficult for any chips or scratches to occur with a dip manicure!


A dip powder manicure is usually slightly more expensive than a gel manicure, with the strength of the dip being the main factor to blame. The average price for a dip manicure is roughly $50, while the gel is typically around $40.

Potential Damage to Nails

Since dip powder is exceptionally long-lasting in comparison to gel, customers often attempt to remove their dip manicures themselves after a few weeks, which can be very damaging to your nail beds. Paying the price to remove your manicure professionally is worth it in the long run!

After taking all of these aspects into consideration, I’ve concluded that I’m going to get dip powder manicures for the time being! They are long-lasting, beautiful, and don’t require any UV light to achieve a flawless finish, which was the deciding factor for me.

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Meredith McDonough

Holy Cross '26

Meredith is a sophomore from Woburn, MA who enjoys writing, dance and spending time with friends!