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How Macklemore’s Song “Thrift Shop” Was Spot On

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

In 2012, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis released the hit song “Thrift Shop” featuring Wanz. The song took over everyone’s lives, but also made some really important points about why thrifting is so awesome. Here are some great lines from the song about how to get started, what to look for, and all the benefits of thrifting.

The opening line, “Hey, Macklemore, can we go thrift shopping?” is exactly how you should get started in your journey of thrifting, all you have to do is ask a friend—or go solo—to go thrifting. Thrifting is a great activity to do when you are bored or are looking for some new clothes. Plus, when you wear something you thrifted, you can say “I’m just pumped, I bought some [stuff] from a thrift shop”. It’s always exciting when you have a great find and get to show it off.

Thrifting is a pretty simple task, as Macklemore says, all it takes is “coppin’ it, washin’ it” and then you are “’bout to go and get some compliments”. Plus, when you “wear your grandad’s clothes [you] look incredible”—seriously, Macklemore clearly thinks your grandad has great style. Also, it is a cheaper and more sustainable way to go about shopping for clothes, Macklemore even found something that “was ninety-nine cents”, which is a pretty frequent bargain.

Thrifting doesn’t always have to involve going out and shopping, you can always “ask your grandpa, can I have [your] hand-me-downs”. But, if you do go out looking you may find some crazy stuff like a “velour jumpsuit and some house slippers” or a “dookie-brown leather jacket”, the possibilities are endless. You can also donate your clothes to a thrift store or take the time to thank your “grandad for donatin’ that plaid button-up shirt”.

Thrifting comes from many places and in many different forms, for example at “Goodwill, you can find me in the bins”, or at the Salvation Army they have racks and racks of clothes, or even at the HerCampus x Pride thrift store! Thrifting is a great way to find new and interesting styles, staple pieces for your closet, or that one piece that completely reinvents your look.

Emma Weiss

Holy Cross '26

Emma Weiss is a current Sophomore at Holy Cross, but she is originally from Michigan. She is a Political Science major with minors in Environmental Studies and Creative Writing. In her free time, she loves to explore Pinterest, make playlists, and drink coffee!