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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

It’s beginning to feel like that time of year again– as the temperature gets cooler and the fall/winter holidays begin to roll around, it’s time to rewatch the Harry Potter movies. Disclaimer: my ranking of the books is slightly different than my ranking of the movies, and I am a much bigger fan of the books.

1. Half Blood Prince

    Coming in at #1 for my movie ranking is Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Most people get surprised when I say this, because it’s generally an anti-climatic movie. But that’s exactly why I enjoy it so much– getting to watch the teenagers of Hogwarts live a somewhat normal life for one year. 

    2. Prisoner of Azkaban

    In second place is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. This one holds a very special place in my heart, and the only reason it’s not #1 is the lack of details from the book. I feel the plot can be hard to follow in the book, so in a movie it can get confusing if you don’t listen very attentively. 

    3. Sorcerer’s Stone

      In third place is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. I love the winter aesthetic, and it is one of my favorite childhood movies. 

      4. Goblet of Fire

        Next up is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. This is a very well-made movie, however they cut out so many parts from the book that it is lower on my ranking. 

        5. Deathly Hallows Part I

          5th place goes to the Deathly Hallows Part I. I don’t like the way Ron is depicted in the movie, which is different from the way he is in the book.

          6. Order of the Phoenix

            Watching Professor Umbridge just gets me irritated, and I don’t like how they blame Cho for exposing Dumbledor’s army which is different in the book.

            7. Deathly Hallows Part II

              Although given a low ranking, I still love this movie. It’s just not one that I would put on for emotional enjoyment.

              8. The Chamber of Secrets

              Finally, in last place is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. This is a fantastic movie, however it is just way too long in my opinion.

              Bridget O'Toole

              Holy Cross '26

              Hi! I am a sophomore at Holy Cross and am majoring in English and minoring in Architectural Studies. I'm from Long Island, New York, and my favorite things include skiing, reading, yoga, and the beach!