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Farmers Market Test Fruit Girl
Kimberly Kao / Spoon

Fall Into Sustainability This Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Turning leaves, pumpkin spice and cozy sweaters seem to be everywhere as fall is underway. As we immerse ourselves in the beauty of the season, it’s important to keep sustainability in mind amidst endless Gilmore Girls marathons. Fall is the ideal season to embrace sustainability. This season we can enjoy what fall has to offer while also making eco-conscious choices. 

First try adding a unique touch to your autumn wardrobe by visiting a local thrift store. Instead of buying overpriced cable-knit sweaters, thrift stores typically offer a plethora of fun vintage sweaters. Plus, it’s a budget-friendly way to embrace fashion, while also reducing your carbon footprint. By purchasing second-hand clothing, we can extend the lifespan of garments and contribute to a more sustainable fashion industry. 

Next try opting for non-dairy alternatives or vegan products. By indulging in plant-based lattes and other plant based fall treats, you contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and to the conservation of natural resources. Remember you can still enjoy fall flavors while still opting for the vegan choice. Your favorite fall drinks also go perfectly in reusable mugs.These choices also go beyond food. For instance the popular Birkenstock Boston shoes, perfect for autumn, come in vegan leather options too. Overall always keep your eyes open for plant-based options that can really make a difference in the long run. 

Additionally, fall is the perfect time to get creative and decorate sustainably by repurposing old decorations and trying out some fun DIY projects. Instead of buying new items, you can breathe new life into old decorations that you may already have, while also adding your own unique touch. Always try to keep your decorations each year, instead of throwing them out and buying new ones every time a holiday rolls around. If buying a pumpkin is calling your name don’t fret, just try your best to source it locally, and always compost it when you’re done. This ideology can further be applied to Halloween. Dressing up and buying new costumes can be fun, but aim to use accessories or clothing you already have in your closet. Look at pintrest or TikTok for unique and simple costumes that you can put together yourself. This way you can create cool and eco-friendly costumes that showcase your personal style. It’s a fun and budget friendly way to celebrate Halloween while also minimizing your consumption. 

Let’s all work together to make this fall a sustainable and festive one. Together we can create a planet-friendly season that’s uniquely ours. So cozy up this autumn, and find what brings you joy, and let’s make this season a warm and sustainable one together!  

Lauren Blum

Holy Cross '26

Hey, I’m Lauren, I'm a second year from Long Island, NY. I love making art, listening to music, and spending time with my dog.