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Everyday Things that are ACTUALLY Bad for You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

1. Taking hot showers

We’ve all been programmed to shower every day: and this is definitely a good thing! The last thing we want is B.O. around campus, but showering for long periods of time in hot water is a no-go. If your skin is red every time you get out of the shower, you definitely need to either shower for a shorter time or turn the dial to colder! While nothing feels better than a long, hot shower after an impossibly stressful day, the scalding water can deplete your skin of nutrients. This can cause dry skin and even pre-mature aging, so the next time you turn the shower all the way hot, think twice. 

2. Fruit Juice:

We all try to eat more fruit, but drinking this food group can cause some problems. Fruit juice is fine, and even good for you in moderation because it can provide you with vitamin C and other necessary nutrients. But did you know that overloading on the juice can strip the enamel off of your teeth? When you go for the O.J. at Kimball brunch, grab a glass of water to drink with it. Drinking water with the acidic juice keeps the acid from staying on your teeth. Also, skipping breakfast and grabbing a fruit smoothie can cause your blood sugar to jump, which can lead to a high level of triglycerides in your system over time. So, make sure you grab a handful of nuts or a few whole-wheat crackers to eat with your smoothie to avoid this spike in your blood sugar.

3. Nail polish

Since its not realistic to get your nails done at a salon every week while you’re at school, we all have to do our nails on campus at some point, and there is definitely a wrong way to do it. You may think that buying the cheap nail polish from the drug store is fine, but some of these can contain harmful chemicals that can be detrimental to your health. Many drug-store brands can contain toluene and formaldehyde, which can be harmful to your lungs when you breathe it in (hence why nail polish smells like chemicals). Essie nail polish is toluene and formaldehyde free, so it is definitely worth it to pay the extra buck for this brand (plus, the names are super cute!!). Even if your nail polish doesn’t contain the super harmful chemicals, it still can’t be good for you to breathe it in, so crack open a window whenever you change your color and breathe easy.

4. Skim milk

Our culture is in the mindset to cut out fat whenever possible, but studies have shown that whole milk or 2% milk is a lot better for you than skim. Crucial vitamins are removed with the fat in the process of making skim milk, and adding fortified vitamins does not give you same benefits as the real deal. The natural saturated fat found in whole milk is not so bad for you as commonly thought; it can even reduce bad cholesterol in moderation. Like many other processed produce, skim milk contains added preservatives and is overall worse for you than the real thing. Plus, we all know that whole milk tastes a lot better in your coffee than skim, so why bother?